TherapyApplication areasEffect | Peppermint

TherapyApplication areasEffect

The peppermint is universally applicable. In our country it is of the greatest importance as a natural remedy and medicine. You can find peppermint in almost every household as a cosmetic, food or household remedy.

The peppermint leaves were used in folk medicine. Today there are many scientific studies that prove the effectiveness of peppermint. The medical use of the medicinal plant peppermint (Mentha piperitae) is recommended for the symptomatic treatment of The peppermint oil, which is extracted from the medicinal plant peppermint, shows positive effects in the internal use even for For external use, the peppermint oil can be used for muscle tension and nerve pain.

The antispasmodic and antibacterial effect of peppermint oil and peppermint leaves was confirmed in clinical trials. Tension headachesHeadaches could be eliminated in studies with peppermint oil when applied externally. Good results can also be achieved in migraine.

For upper respiratory tract infections, peppermint oil is added to a warm water bath. Then the steam is inhaled with a towel over the head. The respiratory tract is cleared again.

The drug stimulates the bile flow. The menthol it contains is excreted through the bile, where it develops its anti-inflammatory effect. Menthol also acts on the nerve endings that are sensitive to cold.

  • Nausea
  • Nausea
  • Cycle Fluctuations
  • Pregnancy vomiting and with
  • Used for colds
  • Digestive Disorder
  • Flatulence
  • Gastric mucosa inflammations
  • Cramp-like complaints of the gallbladder or bile ducts (e.g. gallstones)
  • Rheumatic complaints (rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism)
  • Tension HeadachesHeadaches
  • Migraine,
  • Itching and
  • Urticaria

Side effects and interactions

Peppermint oil should not be applied to the chest or face of babies or toddlers! peppermint tea is not well tolerated by children due to its high menthol content. Caution with allergies!Overdose may cause inflammation of the digestive tract.

In addition, internal use of peppermint oil may cause heartburn. During pregnancy the medicinal plant peppermint should be used with restraint. Please always talk to your doctor before using the medicinal plant peppermint!