These are the causes of elevated heart rate


A high pulse can have various causes from different areas of medicine. In many cases it is a temporary phenomenon caused by stress or the consumption of certain stimulants. More rarely, however, hormonal changes or diseases can also be behind the increased pulse. In general, the causes can be divided into: -Temporary causes such as stress, increased activity, pregnancy, consumption of stimulants or allergies -hormonal changes during pregnancy or the menopause -hormonal diseases, for example hyperthyroidism -diseases of the cardiovascular system such as cardiac arrhythmia, heart attacks, blood loss and severe allergic reactions

Hyperthyroidism ̈berfunktion

Hyperthyroidism is a common disorder that can be accompanied by numerous symptoms. Behind this can be an automatically activated thyroid hormone production, which runs without any control. This is the case with so-called “Graves’ disease” or “thyroid autonomy”.

As a result, the hormone values “T3” and “T4” in the blood increase, which can lead to increased activity of the cardiovascular system. In addition to a high pulse rate, they also cause high blood pressure, sweating, trembling, inner restlessness, sleeping problems and weight loss. One of the most common reasons for increased thyroid levels is an overdose of the medication in the context of an underactive thyroid, which degenerates much more frequently. The increased intake of the hormone L-thyroxine has the same effect as an endogenous overactive thyroid. This topic might be of interest to you: Hyperthyroidism ̈berfunktion


In stressful situations, the body adapts to the circumstances and triggers stress reactions, which are controlled by the so-called “sympathetic nervous system“. The sympathetic nervous system causes changes in all organs of the body. These reactions result in increased attention and reaction speed as well as other body reactions which, due to evolutionary reasons, are supposed to ease the stress reaction.

These include, for example, dilation of the pupils, an increase in blood pressure and pulse rate, an increase in the contractile force of the heart, dilation of the bronchi, a reduction in gastrointestinal and bladder activity and an increase in sweat secretion. These physical reactions help the body to cope with acute stress situations. However, long-term stress can lead to problems such as sleeping problems, permanent high blood pressure and long-term vascular damage. The most important therapeutic measure is a conscious reduction of stress. Medicinal therapies are only used when other measures fail.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is a common side effect of an increased pulse rate. This is often caused by activation of the entire cardiovascular system, which occurs in the context of increased activity, stress, hormonal changes or certain stimulants. One speaks of high blood pressure at values above 140/90 mmHg.

High blood pressure occurs in many people with increasing age apparently without cause. In combination with an elevated pulse, however, a physical, treatable cause becomes probable. For this reason, further investigations into possible diseases should be carried out before treating blood pressure.