These are the symptoms I recognize from fluctuations in blood pressure | Blood pressure fluctuations

These are the symptoms I recognize from fluctuations in blood pressure

Fluctuations in blood pressure can lead to a number of symptoms. Depending on the direction in which the blood pressure fluctuates, different sensations result. If the blood pressure is too high, this can lead to headaches or nosebleeds.

However, these symptoms are more likely to occur with chronic high blood pressure. If the blood pressure rises in a stressful situation, for example after adrenaline release or in the context of hyperthyroidism, this is often accompanied by a feeling of palpitations or increased sweating. A drop in blood pressure, on the other hand, is often accompanied by dizziness.

Depending on the cause, this can occur immediately after getting up or in other everyday situations. The dizziness attack can be accompanied by “black vision”. If the drop in blood pressure is so severe that the brain is not supplied with sufficient blood for a short time, a loss of consciousness can also occur.

This is usually only of short duration, since the head is again supplied with sufficient fluid in a lying position, following gravity. A drop in blood pressure, on the other hand, is often accompanied by dizziness. Depending on the cause, this can occur immediately after getting up or in other everyday situations.

The dizziness attack can be accompanied by “black vision”. If the drop in blood pressure is so severe that the brain is not supplied with sufficient blood for a short time, a loss of consciousness can also occur. This is usually only of short duration, since the head is again supplied with sufficient fluid in a lying position, following gravity.


The principle of the treatment of blood pressure fluctuations is to eliminate the underlying cause. In many cases, an intake of fluid, either by increasing the amount of fluid you drink or by means of an infusion, can already eliminate the problem. In addition, if a drop in blood pressure occurs when getting up, the affected person can take care to slowly stand up and activate the leg muscles to ensure that the blood is “pumped up”. If bleeding is the reason for the drop in blood pressure, the focus is on finding the source of the bleeding and stopping the bleeding.

Duration and forecast

No general statement can be made about the duration and prognosis of blood pressure fluctuations. If there is an organic cause, such as hyperthyroidism, the blood pressure will level out again after treatment of the disease. In many cases a lack of fluid is the reason for the blood pressure fluctuations.

Even a compensation of such a deficit can lead to the elimination of the circulatory problems. Fluctuations in blood pressure are a natural reaction of the body in stressful situations. They are caused by hormone release and are short-lived.

Once the stress situation is over, the blood pressure quickly returns to normal. However, if more serious diseases such as aortic dissection are the cause of the problem, the prognosis depends to a large extent on how promptly therapy is initiated. If massive blood loss occurs, life-threatening damage can result if therapy is initiated too late.