These are the typical ingredients of cold balsams | Balsam for colds

These are the typical ingredients of cold balsams

The ingredients of a cold balsam differ from product to product. However, the combinations are similar. Most cold balsams contain essential oils and herbal substances.

Eucalyptus or pine needle oil are often used. Camphor and menthol are also often part of the recipe. Thymol and ribwort plantain are also found. In addition, you need a fat-soluble ointment base such as vaseline or beeswax.

These cold balms are available

There are really numerous cold balms, so only a rough overview of the most important products can be shown here. Well-known, for example, is the Transpulmin® cold balsam, which contains cineol, menthol and camper and is used for colds and flu. Pinimenthol® cold ointment is also a frequently sold product.

It contains eucalyptus and pine needle oil and menthol. It is only approved for adults and children over 12 years of age. Wick also produces the cold ointment VapoRub® with Mentol, camphor, turpentine and eucalyptus oil.

White Tiger Balm® also improves cold complaints and bronchial problems. It contains essential peppermint oil. tetesept also offers a cold balm with eucalyptus oil and camphor.

This clears the nose and mucous respiratory tract. Certainly there are also numerous other effective products that cannot be mentioned here due to lack of space. It is therefore worthwhile to seek advice in a pharmacy.

The cold products of Pinimenthol® are real classics. The cold ointment has enjoyed great popularity since the 50s. The ingredients are eucalyptus and pine needle oil and the name already gives it away – menthol.

This combination promotes the mobilization of viscous mucus in the bronchi and facilitates expectoration. The ointment can be applied to the chest and back 2-4 times a day. You can also use the ointment for inhalation by dissolving it in hot water.

The company Tetesept® offers numerous products against colds. In addition to cold baths and capsules, there is also a cold balsam. This contains eucalyptus and pine needle oil as well as camphor and is freely available for sale.

It is suitable for adults and children over 12 years. The cold balsam is applied 1-3 times a day. It dissolves the mucus in the sinuses, frees the bronchial tubes and relieves stuck coughs.

The rising vapors allow you to breathe more freely. If the symptoms of a cold have not improved significantly after 4-5 days, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Transpulmin® Cold Balsam is also a popular product that is used to alleviate cold symptoms.

The balsam contains menthol, cineol and camphor as medically active ingredients. The menthol contained in peppermint oil has an expectorant effect in the paranasal sinuses and bronchial tubes. Camphor and cineol promote the blood circulation of the mucous membranes.

As a result, the symptoms of a cold subside more quickly. The cold balsam can be used for inhalation or rubbed onto the skin. There is also a Transpulmin® cold balm for children, but it does not contain camphor.