These eye drops with cortisone are available | Eye drops against an allergy

These eye drops with cortisone are available

Eye drops containing cortisone are used rather cautiously for the treatment of allergic complaints. This is partly due to the fact that cortisone preparations can cause numerous side effects when used over a longer period of time. In addition, there are numerous other preparations available for the treatment of allergic symptoms in the eye that are better tolerated.

Eye drops containing cortisone are therefore in most cases only used for pronounced allergic symptoms that cannot be treated adequately with non-cortisone preparations. Possible active ingredients are dexamethasone and prednisolone. Examples of these are the preparations Inflanefran forte ®, Pred Forte ®, Dexapos ® and Isoptodex ®.

No. Eye drops containing cortisone are all available only on prescription. This is due not least to the fact that they should generally only be used in the case of severe allergic symptoms and that certain contraindications (contraindications), such as the presence of glaucoma, must be observed. The application should also only be carried out for a limited period of time.

These prescription eye drops are available

Most anti-allergic eye drops are available without prescription in pharmacies. Only eye drops containing cortisone require a prescription in the form of a prescription. This has to do with the possible side effects, the contraindications to be observed and the time limit for application. Anti-allergic eye drops containing active substances from the group of antihistamines or mast cell stabilizers, on the other hand, can usually be bought over the counter in pharmacies.

Risks and side effects of eye drops for allergy

The eye drops available without prescription are relatively low in side effects. Eye drops containing cromoglicic acid can cause a burning sensation in the eyes and a foreign body sensation. Eye drops containing antihistamines also occasionally lead to the irritation of the eye mentioned above.

The preparation Zaditen ®, which contains the antihistamine Ketotifen, should be specially mentioned here. In addition to the irritation of the eye, the use of Zaditen ® eye drops can lead to dry eyes, blurred vision, increased sensitivity to light, conjunctival haemorrhages, inflammation of the cornea and corneal damage. Systemic side effects, i.e. those affecting the whole body, are less common.

Zaditen ® can lead to headaches, drowsiness, dry mouth and skin rashes. Eye drops containing cortisone derivatives such as prednisolone or dexamethasone also lead to potential side effects, especially locally. These include cortisone-containing eye drops: the latter is the reason why patients with known glaucoma, i.e. increased intraocular pressure, are not allowed to use cortisone-containing eye drops.

  • Dry eyes
  • Sore eyes
  • A discoloration of the cornea
  • Increased photosensitivity
  • Blurred vision
  • Increased tearing of the eyes
  • Eye Pain
  • Itching around the eyes
  • Foreign body sensation Fremdkörpergefu
  • Burning
  • Eye irritation and redness
  • Viral or bacterial eye infections
  • Ulcers in the area of the cornea (corneal ulcer)
  • Reduction in visual acuity or difficulty in focusing
  • Drooping of the eyelid (ptosis)
  • Pupil dilation
  • Clouding of the lens
  • Disturbances of taste sensation
  • Increase of the intraocular pressure

With the eye drops available without prescription, the duration of application is usually not limited. Some providers specify an unlimited period of use, while other providers recommend that the application should not be used for more than 6 weeks without medical advice. The situation is different with cortisone-containing eye drops: if the application period exceeds 10 days, regular checks of the cornea and intraocular pressure are recommended. An application of more than 2 weeks is generally not recommended without renewed medical consultation and therapy consideration.