These home remedies can help | What is the quickest way to get rid of a black eye?

These home remedies can help

A bruise on the eye will resolve itself, but you can use proven home remedies to speed up the process.The most important and at the same time easiest household remedy is regular cooling of the affected area. Consistently carried out this procedure helps best and is possible without great effort. Furthermore, it is recommended that the head be elevated, since this allows the accumulated water to flow downwards with the force of gravity, thus reducing the swelling. Especially at night some pillows under the head can have an enormous, positive effect on the healing process. It is also important to take it easy in the 1-2 weeks after the blow or fall and to take special care that the area is not damaged any further.

What is the best way to remove a black eye?

A blue eye is immediately noticeable and looks unattractive. To remedy this, you can cover the discolored skin with make-up. The first priority is healing, so you should not use make-up over a newly formed hematoma.

Especially if there is still a swelling, it should first be reduced. If make-up is applied directly to the area, this can irritate the injury and worsen the healing process. Only when the acute swelling has disappeared can make-up be used to remedy the situation if the appearance of a blue eye is disturbing.

A so-called concealer is particularly suitable for covering the eye. This is a strongly covering, usually skin-colored cream, which can be used very well for this purpose. Concealer is available in your own skin color, but also in yellowish or greenish tones.

Depending on which healing phase the eye is in, you can also choose a complementary color to the color of the injury. The skin-colored concealer can then be applied over this neutralization to achieve an even more natural result.