These measuring instruments are available | The oxygen saturation

These measuring instruments are available

There are many different measuring instruments available on the market. Pulse oximeters are suitable for household use. These are small devices that have a measuring clip that can be attached to a finger or the earlobe. In order to find the optimal device for your use, you should ask your treating physician or look into the internet for customer reviews.

The procedure of a saturation measurement

Depending on how the oxygen saturation is determined, the procedure differs. When measuring with a pulse oximeter, it is simply attached to the finger or earlobe. After a short time the device beeps and displays a value.

If the saturation is determined by a blood gas analysis, blood must be taken from an artery. For this purpose, the doctor looks for a suitable artery, usually on the wrist. This artery is then punctured and the blood is examined. The analysis of the blood is done by machine. After a few minutes the desired values are obtained.

The Evaluation

The standard values for young adults are between 96% and 100%. In old age, this value is usually lowered, as the partial pressure of oxygen decreases. Values above 90% and below are in need of treatment.

However, disturbances of the oxygen saturation can be tolerated differently from person to person. For this reason one should consider for each patient separately whether a therapy is necessary. Values below 85% are especially critical and must be treated as soon as possible.

Oxygen saturation below 90% – What does that mean?

The standard values are in a range between 96% and 100%. From a certain age or with certain diseases the saturation can be lowered. In general, oxygen saturation can be tolerated up to 90%.

Values below 90% should be treated. But what leads to a reduced saturation? Diseases that damage the lung tissue lead to reduced respiration.

As a result, the oxygen content in the lungs is reduced and the haemoglobin (red blood pigment) can no longer be loaded with sufficient oxygen. Consequently, the cells in the various organs can no longer be supplied with sufficient oxygen and die. For this reason, it is important to supply oxygen to the patients.

The most common lung diseases are COPD, bronchial asthma and lung carcinomas. In addition to lung diseases, circulatory disorders, cardiac insufficiency and acid-base balance disorders can also lead to reduced saturation. Poisoning is also conceivable, such as carbon monoxide poisoning. In this case the saturation does not decrease chronically progressive but very fast in a short time. How do you recognize lung cancer?