This is How Indispensable Minerals are

Minerals are vital trace elements that come from the inanimate part of nature and are ingested with food. They are important for the metabolism and the structure of body substances. Minerals come mainly from the “inanimate” (inorganic) part of nature – exceptions are phosphorus and sulfur. Nevertheless, they are essential for our life, indispensable for the functional and structural maintenance of our organism.

Minerals for metabolism

Basic elements of metabolism consist of minerals, besides they are important for the transport and “processing” of oxygen. However, minerals are also responsible for water balance and the transmission of stimuli in nerves and muscles. A healthy bone substance would also be unthinkable without a sufficient supply of these substances. Minerals are not absorbed in metallic form, but as salts (e.g. sodium chloride = table salt), which are then split in the body into their ions, the positively and negatively charged particles (sodium+, chloride-).

Mineral Requirement

The body is not able to produce minerals on its own. Nevertheless, deficiencies of most minerals occur only exceptionally, since they are found in almost all foods (including beverages). In addition, the human organism has numerous regulatory mechanisms to compensate for a reduced intake. For this reason, deficiency symptoms hardly occur for many elements even at intakes below the recommended daily allowance. However, increased attention must be paid to the intake of certain minerals such as iodine, iron and calcium – especially when there is an increased requirement, for example during pregnancy, menstruation or hormonal changes (menopause). The stated daily requirement of bulk and trace elements is consequently relative.

Minerals as medications

If high doses of minerals are taken by mouth, this is hardly dangerous for healthy people. The body has methods of excreting excess or not absorbing it in the first place. This does not apply when minerals are taken in conjunction with other substances (vitamins, medications). The use of minerals as medicines (magnesium, calcium) must also be strictly controlled.

Mineral supplements for mineral deficiency.

Those who eat a conscious and varied diet do not need a separate supply of minerals. Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong in principle with the – controlled – intake of mineral supplements. In critical situations (menopause, pregnancy and lactation, heavy menstrual bleeding), supplements are even recommended. Not only for prevention, but also for symptomatic complaints, minerals can help quickly, efficiently and relatively safely (magnesium for calf cramps). In any case (e.g., mineral deficiency), talk to your doctor.