Through Stress | Psychosomatic heart stumbling

Through Stress

The causes for the development of heart stumbles, which are caused by the psyche, can be manifold. Cardiac arrhythmias, which are provoked mainly by persistent stress, are not uncommon. Stress induced cardiac stuttering is mainly due to an increased release of cortisol.

This so-called “stress hormone” can affect various organ systems. Prolonged stress, or a sustained increase in cortisol, leads above all to an inhibition of the immune system. In addition, the cardiovascular system is affected by the persistent stress.

Heart stumbling, which is caused by the psyche, can be the consequence. Diagnostically, however, it is difficult to attribute this form of cardiac dysrhythmia to a psychological etiology. First and foremost, it must be assumed that the heart stumbling is due to an organic cause.

Only when every possible organic cause has been excluded can it be determined whether the heart stutter is caused by stress. Affected persons should urgently consider changing their own life circumstances. Only in this way can heart flutter, which is caused by stress, be treated in the long term. You can read more information about this here: Tachycardia caused by stress and cardiac arrhythmia caused by stress


Heart stumbling, which is caused by the psyche, does not always have to be accompanied by physical complaints. For this reason, in many cases the cardiac dysrhythmia is identified as such only very late. In other patients, on the other hand, a pronounced symptomatology occurs in the course of the heart stumbling.

A typical sign of the presence of a heart stutter caused by the psyche is a throbbing and anxiety feeling in the chest. Since psychosomatic heart flutter is usually accompanied by other symptoms, sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness and panic may occur under certain circumstances. Nausea and a strong urge to urinate can also indicate the presence of a heart stutter caused by the psyche.

In a patient suffering from acutely occurring heart stumbling, an organic genesis should always be assumed for the time being. For this reason, the diagnosis of a heart stumble involves several steps. In a detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis), the affected person should describe the symptoms he/she has experienced as precisely as possible.

In addition, previous illnesses, existing allergies and any medications taken regularly can be particularly important for the diagnosis of heart flutter. This doctor-patient consultation is usually followed by an orienting physical examination. During this examination, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and pulse should be checked.

In addition, all heart valves must be monitored with a stethoscope and an ECG must be taken. As soon as the suspicion of the presence of a heart stumble is confirmed, the search for an organic cause of the cardiac dysrhythmia must be carried out. If no cause for the occurrence of the heart stutter can be found even after extensive diagnostics, a psychological examination should be followed.