Throwing Disciplines of Athletics

Among other things, we know from Homer’s Iliad that already in ancient times throwing and pushing competitions with stones were organized. In modern athletics there are four different throwing disciplines: shot put, hammer throw, discus throw and javelin throw. We provide tips for health for each of these throwing disciplines of athletics.

Shot put

In shot put, a 7.257 kg ball (equivalent to 16 pounds) for men, or a four kg metal ball for women, is pushed as far as possible by the athlete explosively extending his arm. The diameter of the ball is between 110-130mm for men and between 95-110mm for women. A circle of 2.13m (seven feet) is available for the swing, which may not be crossed and must be left to the rear after impact of the ball. The world record for the men is 23.12m, for the women it is 22.63m. Due to the increased physical strain, the upper extremity is particularly at risk in all throwing disciplines. The rotational movement leads to problems of the lumbar spine and blocking phenomena. Injuries to hand and finger joints are also typical. In addition, muscular injuries of the adductors occur, with the ischium being particularly affected. In the long term, radiocarpal pathoses often develop as a result of overuse injuries.

Hammer Throw

Although hammer throwing is an Olympic discipline today, its origins lie in medieval Ireland and Scotland. At that time, blacksmith hammer throwing competitions were held before moving to weights on a handle in the first half of the 19th century. Today’s throwing hammer consists of a metal ball on a steel wire. The weights of the hammer throw are exactly the same as those used in the shot put, and the diameter of the striking circle is also the same. The wire is 1.219m long (four feet) and is held by the athlete with both hands. Hammer throwing is the only throwing discipline in which wearing gloves is allowed; alternatively, athletes may use bandages. In addition to the above-mentioned typical injuries in the throwing disciplines, the trunk muscles in particular are subjected to severe stress due to the high centrifugal forces. The finger tendons and capsules can also be easily damaged. Elbow joint pathrosis can occur as a possible late damage, as well as the hips often suffer from late effects.

Discus Throw

Discus throwing can be traced as an Olympic discipline since 708 BC. The Greek word discos describes a plate or disc that in ancient times was made of bronze and weighed five to six kilograms. Today’s discus, on the other hand, weighs only two kilos for men and one kilo for women and is also much smaller than the ancient disc. The discus thrower was considered the athlete par excellence in ancient times. A discus could also find use as a weapon and be used in fighting games. In Greek mythology, however, unintentional deaths occurred, such as when Perseus accidentally hit his grandfather Acrisius with a discus. When throwing the discus, the most important thing is to use the right technique to get the discus to accelerate as much as possible while rotating the body 1.5 times around its own axis in a circle 2.5 meters in diameter. The discus throw carries the general risks of the throwing disciplines described above, but among them it is the one with the least injuries.

Javelin Throw

The spear has been used as a weapon since the Stone Age. Greek mythology describes Heracles as an outstanding spear thrower. The length of the spear is 2.70m-2.80m for men and 2.20m-2.30m for women. The weight is 800g and 600g respectively. The javelin must be grasped in the middle and, after a short run-up, thrown with the tip in the direction of the throw. Among the different types of grips, the thumb-pointed finger grip is the most commonly used. Javelin throwing carries the most risk of injury and risk of long-term damage among the throwing disciplines. Since the javelin is sometimes held above head height, tendon injuries to the rotator cuff are common. Injuries to the throwing arm and elbow are also typical. In addition, javelin throwers often suffer from spondylolisthesis with consequences for the intervertebral discs, and bony avulsions can sometimes occur in the lower lumbar region. Long-term complaints are also caused by extreme stresses on the elbow capsules and the ulnar collateral ligament. As a late consequence, severe cases of arthrosis in the shoulder, elbow or hip joint are not uncommon.