Thrush (Candidiasis): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A condition that can affect young children and babies as well as adults and the elderly is candidiasis, also known colloquially as thrush.

What is thrush?

In thrush (candidiasis), typical abnormal changes of the skin are observed. In this regard, thrush predominantly results in disturbing and exceedingly unpleasant symptoms and abnormalities on the mucous membranes of the diseased. Depending on the particular symptoms, thrush can be described as an infectious disease that can affect the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, vagina, penis and esophagus, as well as other organs. Candidiasis is differentiated as follows:

  • Skin thrush in the area of the skin, anus, armpits and skin folds.
  • Esophageal candidiasis in the area of the esophagus.
  • Intestinal candidiasis in the region of the intestine

Thrush is just a skin disease, which can cause quite peculiar symptoms in addition to other clinical pictures from this circle. The name candidiasis is based on yeast fungi of the Candida family. In connection with thrush, the yeast Candida albicans must be emphasized. The most widespread under the name thrush (candidosis) is the so-called oral thrush, which is represented by an increased occurrence of the yeast Candida albicans. In particular, this disease occurs more frequently in babies.


The causes of thrush are exclusively the designated molds of the Candida albicans species. These are present in a healthy body and multiply due to various influencing factors, which can lead to candidiasis. Due to an excessive colonization of the mucous membranes, which have a moist and warm environment, which is very fungus-friendly, and a limited immune defense, the yeast fungi can spread there. In addition, not all causes are known for the formation of thrush, which can affect many internal organs and in some cases even assume life-threatening proportions. An altered metabolism, which occurs predominantly in patients with diabetes mellitus, can also be a causative trigger for thrush. People suffering from cancer, people infected with HIV or patients treated with special drugs can also develop candidiasis. In many cases, thrush is equally triggered and transmitted by a lack of hygiene.

Symptoms, complaints, and indications

The yeast fungi can infect different parts of the body. The occurring complaints are accordingly varied. On the skin, areas are preferentially attacked, which have superimposed skin folds. The warm, moist environment creates ideal growth conditions for the yeasts. Reddened skin therefore frequently occurs in the armpits or under the breasts. The skin swells and becomes sensitive to touch. Frequently, scaling also occurs. The skin itches and weeps. A red rim around the affected area is typical of candidiasis of the skin. This is referred to as ruff scaling. Pustules can also form on the inflamed skin. If thrush occurs in the mouth, the affected areas appear reddened and have a whitish coating. If the throat is affected, there is discomfort when swallowing. Thrush can extend to the esophagus and also affect the digestive tract. If thrush occurs in the vaginal area, there is redness and itching. A coarse-grained white discharge may also be indicative of the clinical picture. If the glans is affected in men, blisters may form. In most people, the fungus can be detected in the mouth and intestinal area without causing any symptoms. If the immune system is disturbed, this promotes the development of thrush. Especially in young children and the elderly, the above symptoms occur.


As a result of systemic candidiasis, serious complications can occur throughout the body. For example, depending on where the pathogens settle, inflammation of the brain, lungs, kidneys, heart valves, and retina may occur. If the pathogens get into the blood, this causes Candida blood poisoning. If thrush occurs in the genital area, it can lead to the formation of pustules and papules as well as excruciating itching. Skin thrush is usually associated with skin irritation, which can lead to the development of abscesses and serious infections if not treated or not treated at all.Oral thrush can cause discomfort of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa. Typical symptoms are difficulty swallowing, pain in the esophagus and a strong burning sensation behind the breastbone. In the worst case, intestinal thrush can lead to chronic intestinal diseases or even to constipation and intestinal obstruction. The therapy of a thrush infestation also carries risks. For example, the antifungal drugs prescribed can cause side effects and interactions such as reddening of the skin, itching and burning. Rarely, allergic reactions, swelling or hives occur. In allergic patients, drugs such as econazole can cause allergic reactions. A general intolerance to the respective active ingredients is also conceivable and associated with undesirable symptoms.

When should you go to the doctor?

Changes and abnormalities of the skin appearance should be presented to a doctor as soon as they increase or abruptly persist for several days. Candidiasis causes discomfort of the mucous membranes. Particular care is required in the area of the mouth, throat or intestines. A doctor is needed if complaints appear that lead to an impairment of well-being. If the affected person suffers from irregularities in swallowing, a feeling of tightness in the throat or pain, a visit to the doctor is necessary. A refusal to eat or an intake of fluids should be presented to a physician. In severe cases, dehydration may occur and potentially endanger life. Any discomfort of the dentures or changes in tooth positions should be examined by a dentist. If there is internal weakness, malaise, or a decrease in physical strength, a physician is needed. Redness, the formation of pustules or swelling are signs of a health disorder. A doctor is needed as soon as a discharge forms, disturbances of the digestive tract or irregularities of the toilet passage become apparent. If there are any peculiarities of the sexual organs, reduced libido or sexual dysfunction, a doctor’s examination is indicated. Itching, a restlessness, and pain are other clues that should be investigated.

Treatment and therapy

Different approaches are implemented as part of an effective treatment against thrush. These depend on the form of candidiasis and its localization, as well as the current stage of the disease. Usually, dermatologists use antifungal, or anti-fungal, drugs against thrush. These are selected according to the type of skin fungus. As external applications against thrush, which are only used locally, various brushings and liquids for rinsing as well as antifungal, anti-inflammatory and itch-relieving ointments and creams are suitable. Candidiasis of the vagina is controlled with special vaginal suppositories. Some remedies against the Candida albicans fungus are prescribed in tablet form. In the case of a so-called systemic thrush, infusions or tablets such as miconazole, clotrimazole, ketonazole and amphotericin B help.


To prevent thrush, it is important to take care of a healthy immune system and support it with a healthy lifestyle. Medications such as appropriate antibiotics and cortisone-containing drugs are suitable as prophylactic precautions against candidiasis in cases of pre-existing conditions such as AIDS and diabetes mellitus, as well as cancer with chemotherapy. Appropriate oral and intimate hygiene also help prevent excessive formation of the Candida albicans fungus and thrush (candidiasis).


Aftercare treatments for thrush present many options. In any case, drug treatment with antifungals of thrush must be uninterrupted until the end of treatment, according to the doctor and the pharmacy. This means that the medication should be taken even after the symptoms have subsided. Thus, the pathogens that led to thrush are completely eliminated. With aftercare, attention is paid to the patient’s healthy and hygienic lifestyle. In general, a healthy diet is encouraged. In adults, nicotine consumption should be avoided as much as possible or completely. When using braces, partial dentures and full dentures, special attention should be paid to thorough cleaning and hygienic dental and oral care. During the follow-up of young children with thrush, all objects and toys that have had contact with the child’s mouth must be hygienically cleaned.To the same extent, parents should ensure that contact with the mouth and saliva of the infected child is avoided. With these measures in the aftercare, the renewed outbreak of thrush disease in the patient and the infection of other people with thrush are largely excluded and prevented.

What you can do yourself

To contain and alleviate the symptoms, the affected person can make sure that warm, moist areas do not form on the skin due to the loss of body fluids. These provide the ideal conditions for fungi to grow and spread on the skin. Applying body powder to existing risk areas helps to ensure that the skin dries better. In addition, good personal hygiene is important to make it difficult for pathogens to multiply. Clothing should be checked for its ingredients. Some fibers promote the development of warm, moist regions on the skin because they do not absorb escaping sweat. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that the garments contain only a small proportion of polyester and a large proportion of cotton. Regular showering, changing sleeping utensils and daily replacement of worn clothes help to improve the health of the affected person. If there is discomfort in the throat or mouth, irritating foods should not be consumed. Therefore, consumption of concentrates or acidic nutrients should be avoided. Although there is a loss of appetite or discomfort in the mouth and esophagus, it is important to eat a balanced and healthy diet. It is not beneficial to the recovery process to avoid eating meals.