Thumb Saddle Joint Arthrosis (Rhizarthrosis): Surgical Therapy

If conservative measures do not lead to the desired success, the following surgical measures can be considered for rhizarthrosis (carthrosis of the thumb saddle joint):

  • Resecting arthroplasty (gold standard); in long-term studies, very good to good results have been achieved in 80-95%; the procedure:
    • Resection (removal) of the arthritically altered os trapezium (carpal bone/large polygonal bone).
    • Filling the resulting cavity by means of a tendoplasty (insertion of a tendon bundle).
    • Disadvantage: slightly reduced strength in the thumb.
  • Arthrodesis (stiffening surgery).
    • Indication: young patients with heavy load on the hand and finger joints (eg, crafts professions).
    • Contraindication: arthritic changes in the adjacent joints.
    • Advantage: strong load capacity of the joint
    • Disadvantage: poorer mobility of the thumb
  • Endoprosthetic replacement of the thumb saddle joint – this procedure has not yet become a standard procedure.