Thyroid cancer signs


Thyroid carcinoma signs, thyroid tumor signs, thyroid cancer signsThe thyroid cancer is a comparatively rare type of tumor. Regardless of the type of thyroid cancer present, thyroid tumors are a particular problem. This is due to the fact that the typical signs of thyroid cancer only appear when the tumor cells have spread to the surrounding tissue.

For this reason, thyroid cancer is usually diagnosed by chance during a routine examination. Depending on the cell types from which thyroid cancer originates, four different tumor forms must be distinguished: papillary thyroid carcinoma follicular thyroid carcinoma medullary thyroid carcinoma

  • Papillary thyroid carcinoma
  • Follicular thyroid carcinoma
  • Medullary thyroid carcinoma
  • Anaplastic (undifferentiated) thyroid carcinoma

These four types of thyroid cancer differ mainly in the most appropriate treatment strategy. Also in terms of prognosis (ten-year survival rate), significant differences between the different tumor types can be observed.

Both the causes and possible risk factors for the development of thyroid cancer are still largely unclear. Over a long period of time, it was assumed that a pronounced iodine deficiency in particular plays a decisive role in the development of thyroid tumors. This assumption has now been largely refuted.

Sometimes it can be assumed that the formation of thyroid cancer is mainly due to ionizing radiation (for example X-rays), certain previous diseases of the gland tissue or genetic factors. Since the prognosis of thyroid cancer can be positively influenced above all by early diagnosis, persons who notice local swelling in the area of the neck should consult a specialist (e.g. an endocrinologist) as soon as possible. For most types of thyroid cancer, the prognosis before the first signs appear is very good.

Signs (symptoms)

Persons who suspect that they are suffering from a change in the thyroid gland must urgently note that the typical signs of thyroid cancer appear very late. As long as the cancer cells are restricted to the glandular tissue, there are usually no noticeable signs. These only occur when the thyroid cancer has spread to the surrounding tissue.

For this reason, ultrasound examinations of the glandular tissue should be carried out at regular intervals from middle age onwards. At the beginning of the cancer disease, the affected persons usually do not notice anything. Only with increasing size growth of the thyroid cancer the typical signs can be observed.

The first sign of a change in the glandular tissue is usually a small palpable swelling in the middle of the neck. This swelling is sometimes not visible from the outside and can only be felt when the neck is overstretched (reclination). In the course of the disease, this swelling typically increases significantly and can lead to various signs due to pressure on the oesophagus and windpipe.

Above all, problems with breathing and swallowing disorders are among the classic signs of thyroid cancer. Affected persons also often have the feeling that something is stuck in their throat. An inexplicable “compulsion to clear one’s throat” is also one of the typical signs of a tumor of the thyroid gland.

In advanced stages of the disease, the cancer cells can spread to neighboring nerve tracts. As a consequence, thyroid cancer causes further noticeable signs. The vocal folds in particular can show increasing signs of paralysis due to the compression of the responsible nerve fibers.

Affected patients often suffer from pronounced hoarseness for this reason. In addition, the so-called Horner syndrome is one of the most common signs indicating the presence of thyroid cancer. In Horner’s syndrome, the affected patients suffer from unilateral narrowing of the pupils.

In addition, this eye has clearly sunk back into the eye socket and the eyelid of the affected side hangs down visibly. Especially in the presence of a papillary thyroid carcinoma, the tumor cells are scattered over the lymph vessels (lymphogenic metastasis).For this reason, daughter ulcers (metastases) are usually found in the cervical lymph nodes. As a result, affected patients show severe swelling of the lymph nodes.

In addition, the affected lymph nodes can no longer be separated from the surrounding tissue and are literally caked to it. As with other types of cancer, general signs of thyroid cancer can also occur. The most common general signs of cancer include a persistent rise in body core temperature (fever), unexplained weight loss within a very short time and so-called night sweats.