Tinnitus: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate tinnitus (ringing in the ears):

Pathognomonic (characteristic of a disease).

  • A buzzing, hissing, or ringing in one or both ears.

Warning signs (red flags)

  • Patients aged 15-40 years + conductive disorder (onset usually unilateral) → think of: Otosclerosis (progressive disease of the ears associated with excessive bone formation of the bony labyrinth (small bony cavity system)).
  • Unilateral decrease in hearing (hearing loss), especially high-frequency hearing loss + possibly also hearing loss (sudden onset, unilateral, almost complete hearing loss) → think of:acoustic neuroma (AKN; benign (benign) tumor arising from the Schwann’s cells of the vestibular portion of the VIII. Cranial nerve, the auditory and vestibular nerves (vestibulocochlear nerve, acustic nerve; octaval nerve), and is located in the internal auditory canal (intrameatal), or in the cerebellopontine angle (extrameatal) if more extensive); the disease is usually noticed after the age of 30; the peak incidence is in the 5th and 6th decades of life.