Tofu as a Substitute for Meat

Is tofu healthy or not? Tofu is by no means unhealthy, tastes delicious not only to vegetarians and is guaranteed meat-free. The soy curd originates from China, where it has been a staple food since ancient times. Meanwhile, tofu is also becoming increasingly popular in Western countries, as it not only serves as a meat substitute for vegetarians, but also contributes to a healthy, low-calorie diet.

Tofu as a healthy soy curd

Similar to curd made from milk, tofu is made from soy milk. To do this, the protein components of soy milk are coagulated by adding citric acid, sea salt, magnesium chloride or calcium sulfate (gypsum). These are then separated from the liquid by skimming, heating or squeezing. Depending on the variety, the curd is then pressed more or less firmly into one piece. Once the coagulant has been washed off, the tofu can be processed further.

By the way, tofu owes its name to its origin: “To” in Chinese means bean, “fu” stands for coagulating. Tofu is controversial in Germany because many producers use genetically modified soybeans for its production. Therefore, especially organic tofu is popular, because organic producers do not use genetic engineering.

Tofu: calories, nutritional values, ingredients.

For a long time, tofu was known only among vegetarians and vegans. Due to its high protein content (14.7 grams per 100 grams), it is namely a valuable substitute to meat. But also health-conscious meat eaters set meanwhile ever more frequently on Tofu. And rightly so, because the soy dish only has 72 calories per 100 grams, but is also full of valuable nutrients:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Nicotinic acid
  • Copper
  • Potassium
  • Iron

In particular, the proportion of iron is strikingly high. In addition, essential amino acids, phytochemicals and B vitamins and E vitamins. Due to the high-quality protein, little fat and loose consistency, tofu is easily digestible and provides a positive acid-base ratio in the body.

Preparing Tofu: Grilling, marinating, frying

It is not for nothing that tofu is called a “culinary chameleon” by its lovers. After all, the soy sauce is rather neutral in taste in its basic form. At the same time, tofu’s porous structure makes it very receptive to other flavors. In Asia, for example, tofu is often marinated in beef or chicken broth and then prepared in dishes as a substitute for chicken or beef.

Europeans are also venturing into more and more unusual variations of tofu preparation. Depending on the variety, the soy curd can be seasoned, marinated, fried, grilled or added to soups. However, tofu is still best known in Germany as tofu sausages, tofu schnitzel or tofu burgers.

Tofu recipe: Asian curry with tofu and mango.

For two people, cut 250 grams of tofu into cubes and fry in a wok until hot. Once the tofu is fried until golden, remove the cubes. Then peel, dice and fry one mango and one onion each. When the onions are translucent, pour 1/8 liter of vegetable broth and 1/8 liter of coconut milk over them. Stir in two tablespoons of peanut butter to thicken the sauce and bring to a boil while stirring. Now add the tofu cubes back into the sauce and season with curry powder, soy sauce, cilli and fresh herbs. Serve with long grain rice as a side dish.