Tongue Burning: Causes, Treatment & Help

In most cases, burning tongue does not occur as an independent disease, but as a symptom. Therefore, a specific cause research is often necessary.

What is tongue burning?

In medical terminology, burning tongue is assigned to the so-called sensation or feeling disorders. In medical terminology, burning tongue is assigned to the so-called sensation or feeling disorders. In such sensation disorders, a healthy perception in an affected area is disturbed. Affected persons who feel burning of the tongue often also report an itching or stinging sensation on the tongue. The tongue may also feel sore during tongue burning. Often, similar sensations on the roof of the mouth or the inside of the cheeks occur in parallel with the burning tongue. Other symptoms that often occur in addition to burning tongue are dry mouth or taste disturbances: Dry mouth is the subjective sensation that the mucous membrane of the mouth is too dry or that too little saliva is produced. In medicine, one speaks of a taste disorder when the healthy sense of taste is impaired; for example, flavors are perceived as less intense or alienated.


There are many possible causes underlying a burning tongue. For example, irritation (including from sharp teeth) or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue and mouth can cause tongue burning. Tongue burning can also develop as an allergic reaction to various substances or foods. Even various fungal infections are considered to be the cause. However, there may also be more complex causes of burning tongue, such as various physical diseases. These diseases include, for example, the so-called sugar disease (diabetes mellitus), anemia (a lack of red blood cells), various infections or deficiency symptoms such as a lack of vitamins or iron. Furthermore, burning tongue can be a side effect observed when taking various medications. Psychological factors are also considered an important possible cause: for example, depressive moods or a fear of illness can trigger burning tongue.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Food allergy
  • Celiac disease
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Folic acid deficiency
  • Dysphagia
  • Iron deficiency anemia

Diagnosis and course

The course of tongue burning usually depends strongly on the underlying cause. If a cause can be clearly diagnosed (for example, one of the diseases mentioned, an allergy or substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the tongue), the burning tongue usually disappears or is reduced after treatment. A prognosis of the course is more difficult if psychosomatic causes are behind the tongue burning. If a burning tongue is (rarely) accompanied by visible changes in the mucous membrane, a visit to a doctor is recommended. The causes of tongue burning can be diagnosed primarily by appropriate specialists such as dentists, neurologists or ear, nose and throat specialists. The clearest possible diagnosis of the causes is an important prerequisite for targeted treatment of burning tongue.


A burning tongue can have many different causes and symptoms that need to be treated differently. Those who do not treat their burning tongue have a relatively good chance that the burning will resolve on its own. It often occurs when foods have been eaten that are not particularly well tolerated by the mouth, such as pineapple. However, if you experience tongue burning for a long period of time and do not treat it, you may get inflammation of the mouth. These are usually inflammations of the gums and the teeth themselves. In this case, an ENT specialist or a dentist should be consulted. Treatment is also necessary if the burning tongue occurs spontaneously without any other changes being noticeable. Treatment of burning tongue usually involves the use of medications that have an antibacterial effect. With this, in a few cases, the gums can be attacked and likewise burn a little. Sore throat is also considered a normal side effect in this case. Should the treatment with antibiotics take place, general weakening symptoms similar to a fever can be expected.In the process, the body’s immune defenses are compromised.

When should you go to the doctor?

Tongue burning can have many triggers and should therefore definitely be clarified by a doctor. Medical advice is required at the latest when accompanying symptoms such as toothache, inflammation or bad breath are added. If you have dentures or a tongue piercing, you should talk to your doctor about tongue burning. There may be an irritation or inflammation that needs to be treated immediately to prevent further complications. If an allergy or herpes infection is suspected, the dermatologist must be consulted. The same applies if the tongue turns yellowish and smells unpleasant, because then there is possibly a fungal infection of the oral cavity. Tongue burning during menopause is usually due to hormonal changes and does not necessarily need to be treated. However, serious metabolic diseases such as diabetes, autoimmune or salivary gland diseases, digestive problems, deficiency symptoms or pregnancy can also be causative. Therefore, a burning tongue should be investigated in any case. This is especially true if the discomfort persists longer than usual or increases in intensity as the condition progresses. Patients who regularly take medication should discuss changes in the mouth with their family doctor and, if necessary, switch to a different preparation.

Treatment and therapy

Because tongue burning is usually a symptom of an underlying disorder or disease rather than a disease in its own right, treatment for tongue burning is usually aimed at addressing the specific cause. For example, the treatment plan for diabetes mellitus can be revised, or deficiency symptoms can be countered by targeted nutrition or dietary supplements. If the burning tongue is due to a side effect of certain medications, it may be advisable to replace the medication with an alternative drug in consultation with the attending physician. If the burning tongue is caused by psychological illnesses or complaints, various psychotherapeutic methods can help to alleviate the psychological problems and thus also the burning tongue. If no clear cause for burning tongue can be determined and a person affected suffers a lot from burning tongue, it is also possible to initially treat only this symptom: For example, the burning tongue can then be relieved by various medicines or rinsing solutions. However, medical experts recommend to continue to look carefully at possible causes.

Outlook and prognosis

A burning sensation on the tongue can have many different causes and therefore does not have to be treated by a doctor in every case. Often, burning tongue occurs as a result of an allergic reaction or intolerance. For example, many people suffer from burning tongue after eating a large amount of pineapple. In this case, the burning tongue usually disappears on its own after a few hours and no further symptoms occur. However, if the allergic reaction is severe, it is well worth seeing a doctor. A permanent burning sensation on the tongue may also be due to a deficiency of certain vitamins or nutrients. In this case, it is also advisable to consult a doctor. If the burning tongue continues to be untreated, it may cause discomfort to the gums and teeth. In case of inflammation, fever may also occur. The inflammation is usually treated with antibiotics. Burning on tongue can also occur in diabetes due to lack of trace elements. In most cases, however, the symptom can be treated well and does not lead to further complications.


If the cause of a burning tongue is known and it could be successfully controlled, it is easier to prevent a recurrence of burning tongue than if the cause is unclear: for example, if an allergy has been diagnosed as the causative agent, it is advisable to avoid contact with corresponding agents or (if possible and desired) to undergo desensitization. If neither organic underlying diseases nor psychological problems are present, consistent oral hygiene, among other things, can prevent possible risk factors for tongue burning.

You can do it yourself

Tongue burning can have various causes and must be clarified in any case by a doctor. In addition, the discomfort can be alleviated with the help of some home remedies and measures. One proven remedy is extracts from medicinal plants. Teas made from lime blossoms, marshmallow roots or mallow leaves contain soothing substances that immediately reduce the burning sensation. Tinctures of aloe vera or topically applied oral mucus therapeutics from the pharmacy have a similar effect. In principle, care should be taken to ensure good and regular oral hygiene. Bacteria in the oral cavity and especially on the tongue can be removed with the help of a tongue scraper. It is also possible that the burning sensation is triggered by a certain care product. It is therefore advisable to note the occurrence of the discomfort and eliminate possible triggers. If the mouth feels dry, a diet with sufficient fluids and plenty of water-rich fruit will help. Some fruits and vegetables, such as melon or cucumber, can be frozen beforehand to relieve burning tongue. However, fruits with high acidity should be avoided, as well as alcohol, nicotine and other stimulants. Effective remedies from homeopathy include the anti-inflammatory marum verum and the pain-relieving tincture of myrrh.