Tooth impressions as an indication for a swollen tongue | Swollen tongue

Tooth impressions as an indication for a swollen tongue

Tooth marks on the tongue do not necessarily indicate a swollen tongue. Often the tooth marks are caused by unconscious pressing of the tongue against the teeth due to stress. It leads to the conclusion that the tongue is too big and that the impressions are formed because of this.

In reality, however, it only pretends this. It is often helpful when people ask themselves if they are under stress at the moment. This is often accompanied by headaches or neck pain during the day and teeth grinding at night.

If this is the case, strategies to reduce stress should be learned. If the tongue is really swollen to such an extent that the tooth impressions are caused by the increase in volume, the affected persons are in most cases no longer consciously aware of this. Such massive swelling means that the airways are blocked.

Artificial respiration is therefore necessary. However, this is rarely the case. Much more frequent is, as already mentioned, the unconscious tensing of the tongue and pressing against the palate.

As a result, the tongue becomes wider and presses against the teeth. The impressions recede when the pressing stops. Consequential damage is not to be expected.