Tooth neck is exposed – What to do?


When chewing hot or cold food, drinking a delicious sweet refreshing drink or eating acidic fruit, it suddenly starts to hurt strongly and pulsatingly. You hold your hand to your cheek and pull your face away from discomfort. If you try again, the same thing happens again and you lose the desire to continue eating. Exposed tooth necks can be the cause of this misery and require quick treatment by a dentist, because deeper lying problems can be the cause of this condition.


If there is only pain and no periodontitis is the reason or if there is no caries at the neck of the tooth, a fluoride varnish or plastic is usually applied to close the exposed tubules, so that the hypersensitivity decreases. Fluoride varnishes usually do not last as long, so that the synthetic materials in the form of dentine adhesives show a longer effectiveness. The most important thing when treating exposed tooth necks is gentle brushing of the affected areas.

The gums must not be irritated even more there, otherwise there is a risk that they will retract even further. In such cases, it is generally recommended to rub the affected areas with toothpaste containing a lot of fluoride (e.g. elmex jelly) or to brush very gently and carefully. Gentle rubbing in with fluoride-containing jelly (e.g. elmex Gelee®) and careful brushing are very helpful as initial measures for the home.

The jelly closes the small tubules in the dentine (parietal bone) and prevents caries. Household remedies also include gentle rinsing with saline solution (dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt in warm water). Furthermore, oils applied to the affected areas can also reduce sensitivity.

As with any treatment of pain, it is very important to know the cause of the pain when using homeopathic medicines. Schuessler’s salt’ is a homeopathic medicine that is often used for pain or inflammation. There is also Hypericum, a homeopathic remedy consisting of St. John’s wort or Aconitum, consisting of blue wolfsbane. If the pain is persistent, it is a sign of caries or inflammation of the periodontium. These cannot be fought by homeopathy, but must be treated by a dentist.