Testicular abscess

Introduction A testicular abscess is an encapsulated accumulation of pus in a non-natural (non-preformed) body cavity. The development of an abscess, regardless of its exact location, is always accompanied by an inflammatory tissue fusion. Persons who notice swelling in the area of the testicles and/or suffer from severe pain should definitely consult a specialist in … Testicular abscess

Which doctor is responsible for treating an abscess on the testicles? | Testicular abscess

Which doctor is responsible for treating an abscess on the testicles? An abscess on the testicles must be treated by a suitable specialist. Particularly in the case of severe swelling and/or pain, those affected must consult a doctor promptly. Under no circumstances should the abscess itself be squeezed out or punctured, as this can lead … Which doctor is responsible for treating an abscess on the testicles? | Testicular abscess

Diagnosis | Testicular abscess

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a testicular abscess comprises several steps. At the beginning, the symptoms perceived by the patient should be described in an extensive doctor-patient consultation (short: anamnesis). Affected patients usually describe the typical signs of inflammation during this conversation. Following the doctor-patient conversation, a physical examination is carried out during which the scrotum … Diagnosis | Testicular abscess