Disopyramide: Effects, Uses & Risks

Disopyramide is an antiarrhythmic drug. It is therefore used in particular for the drug therapy of cardiac arrhythmias. The active ingredient disopyramide has similarities to the drugs procainamide and quinidine. In most cases, the drug is administered orally. Excretion of the active ingredient from the human body is largely renal. What is disopyramide? The active … Disopyramide: Effects, Uses & Risks

Convergence Reaction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The convergence reaction is the reflexive constriction of the pupils during convergence, on the one hand, and the inward movement of both eyes during fixation of near objects, on the other. Impairments of convergence can cause strabismus, among other conditions. What is the convergence response? Convergence is a specific type of opposite eye movement. Without … Convergence Reaction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Eye test

Definition The visual acuity of the eyes is tested with an eye test. This indicates the resolving power of the eye, i.e. the ability of the retina to recognize two points as separate. The visual acuity defined as normal is at a visual acuity of 1.0 (100 percent). Adolescents often achieve even better visual acuity … Eye test

2. shihara color plates | Eye test

2. shihara color plates In 1917, this method with test images of different colored dots that form a complete picture was developed by the Japanese ophthalmologist Shinobu Ishihara. The test is based on the fact that “normal sighted people” can recognize different motifs by differentiating between red and green on the test images than people … 2. shihara color plates | Eye test

Digitoxin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Digitoxin is the name given to a natural substance found in the leaves of the red foxglove. It belongs to the cardiac glycosides. What is digitoxin? Digitoxin is a cardiac glycoside and has cardiac effects and ensures that the functions of the heart muscle are improved. Digitoxin is a cardiac glycoside that occurs naturally. For … Digitoxin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Gleaming Contact Lenses: Applications & Health Benefits

Progressive-vision contact lenses have a similar benefit for contact lens wearers as progressive-vision glasses do for eyeglass wearers: they enable sharp vision at near and far distances using the same medium. Today, these continuously technically advanced vision aids offer the same level of comfort as other contact lenses. What are varifocal contact lenses? Progressive contact … Gleaming Contact Lenses: Applications & Health Benefits

School of vision

Definition School of vision The term “school of vision” is used to describe facilities at clinics or in ophthalmological practices where orthoptists work together with ophthalmologists to treat eye movement disorders such as strabismus and eye tremor, impaired vision and all diseases affecting the eyes. Today, the term “school of vision” is rather outdated, since … School of vision