Dispensing Categories of Medicinal Products

Definition The dispensing of licensed medicines is strictly regulated by law in many countries. Drugs may be available by prescription (prescription-only), nonprescription, and over-the-counter. Typical dispensing points are pharmacies, drugstores and doctors’ offices, provided that self-dispensing is permitted by the canton. Category E drugs may also be sold in the retail trade, for example in … Dispensing Categories of Medicinal Products

Valaciclovir: Effects, Uses & Risks

Valaciclovir is one of the most commonly used agents to combat herpes simplex virus infection and shingles. The drug is incorporated into numerous preparations, is a prodrug, and is considered a virostatic agent. What is valaciclovir? Valaciclovir is a prodrug of aciclovir used in the therapy of herpes infections and shingles. The term prodrug is … Valaciclovir: Effects, Uses & Risks

Mouth Rot

Symptoms Oral thrush, or primary gingivostomatitis herpetica, occurs primarily in children between 6 months and 5 years of age and in young adults around 20 years of age and may also affect older adults. It manifests itself in the following symptoms, among others: Swollen cervical lymph nodes, aphthoid lesions and ulcerations in the mouth and … Mouth Rot

Chediak-Higashi Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) is an inherited disorder. Due to an immunodeficiency, the gene abnormality is associated with recurrent infections, peripheral neuropathy, and partial albinism. The life expectancy of affected individuals is greatly reduced. Bone marrow transplantation offers a chance of therapy. What is Chediak-Higashi syndrome? Chediak-Hygashi syndrome is a very rare autosomal recessive inherited disorder. … Chediak-Higashi Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Chickenpox (Varicella)

Symptoms The disease begins with symptoms similar to a cold or flu, with elevated temperature, fever, feeling sick, weakness, and fatigue. Within about 24 hours, the typical rash appears all over the body and develops within a few days. It is initially blotchy and then filled blisters form, which break open and crust over. The … Chickenpox (Varicella)

Cold Sores Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Cold sores manifest as fluid-filled blisters that appear in groups around the lips. An episode begins with tightening, itching, burning, pulling, and tingling before the skin affection becomes visible. As the episode progresses, the vesicles coalesce, break open, crust over, and heal. The lesions, some of which are painful, can also occur on other … Cold Sores Causes and Treatment


Products Valaciclovir is commercially available in the form of film-coated tablets (Valtrex, generic). It has been approved in many countries since 1995. Structure and properties Valaciclovir (C13H20N6O4, Mr = 324.3 g/mol) is the ester of the natural amino acid valine and the antiviral drug aciclovir. It is present in drugs as valaciclovir hydrochloride, a white … Valaciclovir


Products Penciclovir is commercially available as a cream and tinted cream (Fenivir). It has been approved in many countries since 1997. Famvir cream is out of commerce. Structure and properties Penciclovir (C10H15N5O3, Mr = 253.3 g/mol) is a mimetic of the DNA building block 2′-deoxyguanosine and is structurally related to aciclovir. It exists as a … Penciclovir