Inflammation of the hip

Coxitis, bursitis trochanterica, coxitis fugax, activated arthrosis Definition Inflammation of the hip often develops in the hip joint and can be accompanied by the typical signs of inflammation such as pain, swelling, fever and general malaise. Frequency Infectious inflammation of the hip occurs approximately two to ten times in 100,000 patients and is most frequently … Inflammation of the hip

Symptoms | Inflammation of the hip

Symptoms In infectious inflammation of the hip joint, the inflammation causes severe pain, which typically radiates into the groin. Patients describe it as very unpleasant and dragging. Due to the severe pain, the affected person often takes a relieving posture. He rotates the leg slightly outwards and holds it in a slightly bent position. In … Symptoms | Inflammation of the hip

Therapy | Inflammation of the hip

Therapy In the case of an infectious inflammation of the hip, it is treated with the appropriate antibiotic as soon as the pathogen is determined. During an in-patient treatment in hospital, this treatment is usually carried out intravenously by means of infusions for several days, which has the advantage that the antibiotic reaches the blood … Therapy | Inflammation of the hip

Activated arthrosis

What is activated arthrosis? Actuated arthrosis is the most severe form of arthrosis (joint wear and tear). It occurs when a joint that is already affected by arthrosis is stressed too much or for too long. The typical signs of inflammation are pain, swelling, redness and restricted mobility. The pain of activated arthrosis is usually … Activated arthrosis

Treatment of an activated arthrosis | Activated arthrosis

Treatment of an activated arthrosis First of all, it is important that the joint is immobilised without fail, i.e. that it is not subjected to too much load. Cooling – for example with cooling pads or cool compresses – can temporarily relieve the symptoms. The application of heat – for example by means of infrared … Treatment of an activated arthrosis | Activated arthrosis