
Synonyms sex hormone, androgen, androstane, sex hormones Introduction Testosterone is a derivative of the sex hormone (androgen). Testosterone occurs in both sexes, but differs in concentration and effect. Tesotosterone is derived from testis (testicle) and steroid. The “inventor” of testosterone was Ernst Lageur, who was the first to extract bull testicles. In men, testosterone is … Testosterone

Side effects | Testosterone

Side effects Among the most frequently observed side effects, especially in the form of overdose abuse are the following: Liver Diseases Kidney damage Cardiac arrhythmias Diseases of the cardiovascular system Arteriosclerosis Gynecomastia (butt formation in men) Steroid acne see: Acne Mental illnesses like depression Poorer memory performance Decrease in sperm count Reduction of the testicles … Side effects | Testosterone

Diabetes insipidus

Synonyms in a broader sense Water urinary dysentery Definition Diabetes insipidus is the reduced ability of the kidneys to produce concentrated urine when there is a lack of water, i.e. when the body has too little fluid. One can distinguish between a central and a renal form (cause located in the kidney). Summary Diabetes insipidus … Diabetes insipidus

Diagnosis | Diabetes insipidus

Diagnosis There are essentially two options available for the clinical diagnosis of diabetes insipidus. In both cases the urinosmolarity is measured, i.e. the concentration of urine. On the one hand, the so-called thirst test is available to physicians. However, this is based on the cooperation of the patient. In the thirst test, which should last … Diagnosis | Diabetes insipidus

Laboratory | Diabetes insipidus

Laboratory There are various laboratory values and urine parameters that allow a differential diagnosis between a diabtes insipitus renalis or a diabetes insipitus centralis and other urinary concentration disorders. The main symptoms are a decreased sodium concentration and a reduced osmolality of the urine. This is due to the increased excretion of water and thus … Laboratory | Diabetes insipidus


Introduction Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) is a tissue hormone and a neurotransmitter (transmitter of nerve cells). Definition Serotonin is a hormone and neurotransmitter, i.e. messenger substance of the nervous system. Its biochemical name is 5-hydroxy-tryptophan, which means that serotonin is a derivative, i.e. derivative of the amino acid tryptophan. The effect of a hormone and neurotransmitter always … Serotonin

Serotonin Syndrome | Serotonin

Serotonin Syndrome Serotonin can be administered in small doses as a medication if someone is suffering from depression, for example. However, if the approved daily dose that can be taken is exceeded or if serotonin can no longer be broken down correctly or completely, it accumulates in the body and triggers the serotonin syndrome. Syndrome … Serotonin Syndrome | Serotonin

Serotonin vs. dopamine | Serotonin

Serotonin vs. dopamine Dopamine is another neurotransmitter of the brain. It is found in the basal ganglia and the limbic system, where it is involved in thought and perception processes and plays an important role in controlling movement.On the one hand, serotonin and dopamine are active as neurotransmitters, in different areas of the brain with … Serotonin vs. dopamine | Serotonin

Mineral Corticoids

Formation of mineral corticoids: Among the hormones synthesized in the zona glomerulosa are aldosterone and corticosterone. The output for the production of these hormones is cholesterol via pregnenolone and progesterone. Through further enzymatic changes (hydroxylation, oxidation) the mineral corticosteroids are finally produced. The corticosterone formed is converted to aldosterone. The receptor is located intracellularly, there … Mineral Corticoids


Introduction Endorphins (endomorphins) are neuropeptides, i.e. proteins produced by nerve cells. The name “endorphin” means “endogenous morphine“, which means the body’s own morphines (painkillers). There are three different types of hormones, whereby beta-endorphins are the best studied: The following description refers to beta-endorphins. Alpha-Endorphins Beta-Endorphins Gamma-Endorphins Education The endorphins are formed in the hypothalamus and … Endorphins