Amino acids tablets

Amino acids are a group of chemical compounds which are characterized in that they each have at least one amino group (-NH2) and one carboxyl group (COOH) in their structure. Amino acids are essential for the human body because they form the smallest subunit of proteins. This means that proteins consist of amino acids. Furthermore, … Amino acids tablets

Amino acids in sport

In the medical field, the smallest building blocks of proteins are called amino acids. The amino acids are therefore absolutely necessary for the construction of proteins (synonym: proteins). Furthermore, amino acids are needed for the synthesis of enzymes and for the formation of certain messenger substances. Chemically speaking, amino acids are a group of compounds … Amino acids in sport

Amino acid intake during sport | Amino acids in sport

Amino acid intake during sport The body therefore needs a constant supply of essential amino acids to stay healthy. A balanced diet is important for this. Malnutrition can lead to muscle loss and the person will lose weight. This happens because the body releases amino acids from existing muscle mass to gain energy. Furthermore, stress … Amino acid intake during sport | Amino acids in sport