Pain in the rectum

Definition Pain in the rectum can occur when there is irritation due to injury, inflammation or indigestion. Of the multitude of possible causes, harmless ones are the most common. If the pain persists for a longer period of time and especially if accompanying symptoms such as blood in the stool occur, a doctor should definitely … Pain in the rectum

Perianal Vein Thrombosis

Synonyms: Perianal Thrombosis, AnalthrombosisIn perianal vein thrombosis a blood clot (thrombus) is formed in the superficial veins at the edge of the anus, which manifests itself as a bluish knot. The causes for the development of thrombosis can be varied, but those affected also complain of severe pain. In general, perianal vein thrombosis is harmless, … Perianal Vein Thrombosis

Special home remedies for the intimate area | Home remedy against an abscess

Special home remedies for the intimate area If you are prone to abscesses in the genital area, you can usually achieve a quick improvement by not shaving the intimate area. However, for some people this is not an option nowadays – for those who do not want to do without it, tea tree oil is … Special home remedies for the intimate area | Home remedy against an abscess

Home remedy for abscess on the neck | Home remedy against an abscess

Home remedy for abscess on the neck In the case of an abscess on the neck, it is important to refrain from squeezing and squeezing, as it can be dangerous to open the abscess inwards due to the many pathways running through it: If the purulent inflammation of the abscess moves there, sepsis (“blood poisoning”) … Home remedy for abscess on the neck | Home remedy against an abscess

Anal abscess

Definition An anal abscess is a cavity, usually filled with pus and inflammatory fluid, which is located in the area of the anus and usually causes severe discomfort when sitting or walking. Cause and forms of the anal abscess Unlike an anal fistula, an anal abscess does not cause the formation of a connecting duct … Anal abscess

Pain in the anus

Introduction Pain in the area of the anus is relatively common. The causes can be varied and range from harmless irritation of the mucous membranes to diseases requiring treatment such as anal venous thrombosis. Many affected persons avoid going to the doctor out of shame. The discreet and professional approach of the doctor, however, quickly … Pain in the anus