Active substances in doping

Doping, anabolic steroids, growth hormones, steroids, steroid hormones, beta-2 agonists, diuretics Here you will find detailed information on Anabolic steroids Epo Beta – 2- agonists The beta- 2- agonists (e.g. clenbuterol) also belong today to the group of prohibited doping substances. In 1993, the IOC put this substance on the doping list. The beta- 2- … Active substances in doping

Epo – Erythropoietin

Erythropoietin (Epo) belongs to the group of glycoprotein hormones and is produced in the kidney. From there it is transported via the blood to the red bone marrow, where it triggers the formation of new erythrocytes. In medicine, Epo is used in renal insufficiency (reduced erythrocyte concentration in the blood). Epo can now be produced … Epo – Erythropoietin

Amphetamines/ Wake-up amines

Introduction Amphetamine and methamphetamine belong to the group of wake-up calls. The intake of Weckaminen is considered as doping and causes an improvement of the co-ordinative abilities with sporty loads. The Weckamine causes a stimulation of the central nervous system (CNS). This leads to an improvement in the interaction between the CNS and the musculature. … Amphetamines/ Wake-up amines