Therapy of a bursitis of the elbow | Effective exercises for bursitis of the elbow

Therapy of a bursitis of the elbow In therapy, it is especially important to find the causes of bursitis and to treat them specifically. In most cases there is an overstrain of the forearm musculature, which has been caused by one-sided movements. The area where the extensor muscles of the hand are located is particularly … Therapy of a bursitis of the elbow | Effective exercises for bursitis of the elbow

Sports for bursitis of the elbow | Effective exercises for bursitis of the elbow

Sports for bursitis of the elbow Sport in case of bursitis in the elbow depends on the type of sport. Training for the trunk and legs without arm involvement is possible without hesitation. Setback sports such as tennis, badminton or squash should be avoided, as any strain can worsen the symptoms. Training should only be … Sports for bursitis of the elbow | Effective exercises for bursitis of the elbow

Exercises against a mouse arm

The terms “mouse arm“, “secretary’s disease”, or “repetitive strain injury syndrome” (RSI syndrome) are generic terms for an overload syndrome of the hand, arm, shoulder and neck region. The symptoms occur in 60% of people who work more than 3 hours a day at the computer, such as secretaries or graphic designers. In the meantime, … Exercises against a mouse arm

Stroke exercises

Stroke is one of the most common diseases in the field of internal medicine and neurology and is increasingly found in older patients. However, younger people such as children or adolescents can also suffer a stroke due to accidents or congenital blood disorders. Physiotherapy is used in the rehabilitation of stroke patients and rebuilds the … Stroke exercises