Aromatherapy: Healing Through Oils

A smell can take us back to old times and awaken memories that trigger feelings of happiness. Influenced specifically by scents, the sense of smell promotes well-being and health. Essential oils are the messengers in this process. Most people appreciate the soothing scent of lavender or a massage with lemon balm oil. Many confirm the … Aromatherapy: Healing Through Oils

Orange: Intolerance & Allergy

Orange is a fruit that is also known as orange. It belongs to the genus of citrus plants and originates from China. This is what you should know about the orange The orange is a fruit that is also known by the name orange. It belongs to the genus of citrus plants and originated in … Orange: Intolerance & Allergy

Nausea: Causes, Treatment & Help

Nausea, sinking feeling or medically Nausea is a Befindlichkeitsstörungen or symptom that is mainly felt in the stomach area. Nausea is a common symptom and is not infrequently accompanied by vomiting or abdominal pain. What is nausea? Nausea most often occurs as a precursor to vomiting. However, the affected person does not always then have … Nausea: Causes, Treatment & Help

Galbanum: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Galbanum was already a popular incense resin in ancient Mesopotamia. The health-promoting effects of the plant Ferula erubescens were described in detail by the Greek physician and pharmacologist Pedanios Dioscorides in the 1st century AD. The Middle Ages also appreciated its medicinal properties. Occurrence and cultivation of galbanum Galbanum (Ferula erubescens, Ferula gummosa) is a … Galbanum: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

How can birth pains be relieved?

Synonyms Analgesia, anesthesia, pain relief Possibilities of pain therapy There are a number of pain therapy options to accompany the birth process (relieve birth pain) Sedation (damping) Sedation (alleviating birth pains) is the attenuation of alertness and arousal by certain drugs. Through central nervous (in the brain and spinal cord) mechanisms, some medications have an … How can birth pains be relieved?

Regional anaesthesia methods | How can birth pains be relieved?

Regional anaesthesia methods Spinal anaesthesia involves the injection of a local anaesthetic into the cavity containing liquor (subarachnoid space) where the spinal cord is located. The injection (injection) is made at the level of the lumbar spine (vertebral body L3/L4 or L2/L3), the spinal cord itself ends a little higher so that it cannot be … Regional anaesthesia methods | How can birth pains be relieved?