How can I palpate A. femoralis? | Femoral artery

How can I palpate A. femoralis? The palpable pulse of the arteria femoralis is called femoralis pulse. It can be palpated in the groin region. Several fingers should be used at once to feel the pulse. The thumb should not be used. While palpating, a clock should be used to determine the elapsed time in … How can I palpate A. femoralis? | Femoral artery

Aneurysm of the femoral artery | Femoral artery

Aneurysm of the femoral artery In the arteria femoralis superficialis and profunda, an aneurysm can occur after injury to the intima of the vessel wall, i.e. the innermost layer. This leads to an aneurysm of the vessel wall. In a certain form of aneurysm, the parts of the vessel wall, intima and media, become detached … Aneurysm of the femoral artery | Femoral artery