Spermiogram: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Spermiogram is the examination of male sperm with the aim of finding out whether they are capable of fertilizing a female egg without outside assistance. Spermiograms are often the beginning of a man’s examination in couples’ problems getting pregnant. What is the spermiogram? Spermiogram is the examination of male sperm with the aim of finding … Spermiogram: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia refers to a pathological change in male sperm that often leads to infertility. The sperm changes are also known as OAT syndrome. What is oligoasthenoteratozoospermia? Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia is the term used when abnormal changes occur in a man’s sperm. In medicine, the phenomenon is also known as oligoasthenoteratozoospermia syndrome or OAT syndrome. The term oligoasthenoteratozoospermia … Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Azoospermia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Azoospermia is the absence of vital or motile sperm in the male ejaculate, which can be attributed to various causes and disorders and is associated with male infertility (infertility). Azoospermia may be temporary or permanent depending on the underlying causes. What is azoospermia? Azoospermia is the term used to describe a fertility (fertility) disorder in … Azoospermia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Definition Sperm cells are the male germ cells. Colloquially, they are also called sperm cells. In medicine, the term spermatozoa is often used. They contain the male genetic material for reproduction. This is the single set of chromosomes which, together with the single female set of chromosomes from the egg cell, results in the double … Sperm

Triggering sperm and contractions – what is the connection? | Sperm

Triggering sperm and contractions – what is the connection? The connection between sperm and the triggering of contractions is currently still too poorly researched to give a clear answer to this question. The assumed connection is that sperm consists to a certain extent of prostaglandins.Prostaglandins are tissue hormones that are found throughout the body and … Triggering sperm and contractions – what is the connection? | Sperm

Ectopic Pregnancy

Synonyms Tubal pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, tubal gravidity, tubal graviditas tubaria In the initial part of the fallopian tube (ampullary ectopic pregnancy) In the middle section of the fallopian tubes (isthmic ectopic pregnancy) or Nest in the uterine part of the fallopian tube (interstitial ectopic pregnancy). About one in 100 pregnancies is outside the uterus. Out … Ectopic Pregnancy