Asian (Japanese) bush mosquito

Definition The Asian or Japanese bush mosquito is native to parts of China, Korea and Japan and can transmit diseases to animals and humans through its bite. In recent years, the insect has been introduced to other parts of the world and has spread to North America and also to some regions in Europe. Within … Asian (Japanese) bush mosquito

Is it possible to calculate the eye colour before birth? | Eye colour in babies – When is it final?

Is it possible to calculate the eye colour before birth? The eye colour is genetically determined and depends on the eye colours of both parents. However, the final eye colour of the newborn cannot be calculated exactly, only probabilities can be given. The genes determine how much melanin is produced. Each gene is present in … Is it possible to calculate the eye colour before birth? | Eye colour in babies – When is it final?

Eye colour in Asians | Eye colour in babies – When is it final?

Eye colour in Asians While in Europe almost all babies are born with blue eyes in the beginning, Asian babies are more likely to be born with brown eyes. The same is also true for African babies, respectively for babies with dark skin colour. Although Asians have light skin colour, light eye colour is not … Eye colour in Asians | Eye colour in babies – When is it final?