Bach Flowers with uncertainty

Which Bach Flowers come into question? For people who suffer from insecurity, the following Bach Flowers can be used: Cerato (lead root) Scleranthus (One-year-old ball) Gentian (autumn gentian) Gorse (gorse) Hornbeam (white beech) Wild Oat (Forest Trpe, Oatgrass) Positive development opportunities: Accepting inner guidance and intuition One has too little confidence in one’s own opinion … Bach Flowers with uncertainty

Bach Flower Therapy

Dr. Edward Bach, doctor and founder of Bach Flower Therapy, lived and worked in England between 1886 and 1936. He practised at a time when most of his patients were very poor. Throughout his entire career, he endeavoured to develop the Bach Flower Therapy as a method of treatment that was also available to the … Bach Flower Therapy

Bach Flowers

Dr Bach found a total of 38 Bach Flowers and assigned them to human soul concepts or states of mind. Frame of mind: Fear Bach Flowers Aspen Cherry Plum Mimulus Red Chestnut Rock Rose Frame of mind: Insecurity Bach Flowers: Frame of mind: Insufficient interest in the present Bach Flowers: Frame of mind: Loneliness Bach … Bach Flowers

Bach Flowers for people who suffer from loneliness | Bach Flowers

Bach Flowers for people who suffer from loneliness Heather (Scottish heather) One is self-centred, completely occupied with oneself, needs a lot of audience. You want to be the centre of attention and you are the “navel of the world”. One shows needy toddler behaviour and invents accidents, for example, to get attention again. Only your … Bach Flowers for people who suffer from loneliness | Bach Flowers

Bach Flowers for people with insufficient interest in the present | Bach Flowers

Bach Flowers for people with insufficient interest in the present Clematis (white clematis) You are not thinking about what is going on around you, showing little attention to what is going on around you. One withdraws into imaginative worlds of imagination, does not want to participate in real life (daydreamer!). One is not interested in … Bach Flowers for people with insufficient interest in the present | Bach Flowers