What are the alternatives to losing weight with dietary supplements? | Dietary supplements for weight loss

What are the alternatives to losing weight with dietary supplements? There are numerous ways to lose weight. In addition to dietary supplements or diet drinks, so-called crash diets are frequently advertised. These are accompanied by severe weight loss, mainly water, especially in the initial phase. However, they are not very successful in the long term … What are the alternatives to losing weight with dietary supplements? | Dietary supplements for weight loss

Food supplements as shakes | Dietary supplements for weight loss

Food supplements as shakes Very popular and a supposedly easy way to lose weight is to take shakes. Various manufacturers offer blends that have a high protein and low carbohydrate content and a reduced calorie content. This is intended to replace meals and achieve weight loss without hunger. Also here one should pay attention to … Food supplements as shakes | Dietary supplements for weight loss

What risks do dietary supplements pose for losing weight? | Dietary supplements for weight loss

What risks do dietary supplements pose for losing weight? An undesirable effect after a diet is the so-called yo-yo effect, i.e. an increase in some cases even beyond the initial weight. Those who do not permanently change their lifestyle and reduce their calorie intake will sooner or later become victims of this phenomenon. Food supplements … What risks do dietary supplements pose for losing weight? | Dietary supplements for weight loss

How important is a healthy diet for mother and baby? | Nutrition during the lactation period

How important is a healthy diet for mother and baby? Nutrition plays a major role primarily for the health of the nursing mother. The health of the child is also secondarily strongly influenced by the diet and especially by the intake of toxins such as alcohol or nicotine. Therefore, a healthy diet and the avoidance … How important is a healthy diet for mother and baby? | Nutrition during the lactation period

Flatulence during the nursing period | Nutrition during the lactation period

Flatulence during the nursing period Flatulence during breastfeeding can be due to various causes. It often takes several weeks or even months after a pregnancy until the woman’s physical condition returns to normal. Temporary digestive disorders are also not uncommon in this context. If one suffers from flatulence, one should avoid foods that additionally promote … Flatulence during the nursing period | Nutrition during the lactation period

Why does my baby get a sore bottom? | Nutrition during the lactation period

Why does my baby get a sore bottom? There is no scientific evidence that certain foods would cause a sore bottom in a child.Therefore, a general renunciation of foods such as tomatoes, fruit, onions or cabbage, which are often suspected, is not justified. They are important sources of vitamins and nutrients and should therefore be … Why does my baby get a sore bottom? | Nutrition during the lactation period

What are “Balanced Diets”?

Most people think of skimpy food and losing weight when they hear the word “diet“. However, what is usually meant is a diet that is tailored to a specific physical need. Who needs to go on such a diet? Balanced diets are developedfor people who have a special need for nutrient and energy intake because … What are “Balanced Diets”?

Car Diet

What is the car diet? The KFZ Diät follows the idea of food combining diets. The “K” stands for carbohydrates, “F” for fats and “Z” for snacks. The principle here is a separation of high-fat and high-carbohydrate meals. Accordingly, carbohydrates should be taken in the morning and at noon, and in the evening the focus … Car Diet