The Food Combining Diet

Description This concept (Hay ́sche Trennkost) was developed by Dr. Hay at the end of the twentieth century. The advocates of food combining assume that protein and carbohydrates cannot be digested together. However, this principle can be refuted at the beginning of human life, because breast milk naturally contains both: carbohydrates and protein. Babies can … The Food Combining Diet

Side effect of the separation diet – Diet | The Food Combining Diet

Side effect of the separation diet – Diet Occasionally, a strict diet based on the principle of separation food can result in a lack of nutrients, especially a lack of vitamin B, calcium and iron. This must be strictly controlled, especially during pregnancy and lactation. Due to the high consumption of dietary fibres, frequent bowel … Side effect of the separation diet – Diet | The Food Combining Diet

Medical evaluation of the diet | The Food Combining Diet

Medical evaluation of the diet The scientific background of the separation food diet is again and again critically examined. Many nutritionists question the permanent separation of protein products and carbohydrates. Many experts also criticize Hay’s assumption that carbohydrates and proteins are not separable because many foods are made up of both main nutrients. In a … Medical evaluation of the diet | The Food Combining Diet

What are the costs of a food combining diet? | The Food Combining Diet

What are the costs of a food combining diet? Basically the Food Combining Diet is not more expensive than a healthy and balanced diet.Little meat is consumed, but high-quality protein from fish and seafood, which are expensive but indisputably good for health. Fresh fruit and vegetables are consumed in large quantities and cost more than … What are the costs of a food combining diet? | The Food Combining Diet