Blood groups

Synonyms Blood, blood group, blood types English: blood group Definition The term “blood groups” describes different compositions of glycolipids or proteins on the surface of the red blood cells (erythrocytes). These surface proteins act as antigens. For this reason, non-compatible foreign blood is recognized as foreign during transfusions and leads to the formation of so-called … Blood groups

Rhesus system | Blood groups

Rhesus system Just like the AB0 system of blood groups, the Rhesus system is one of the most important blood group systems today. These are antibodies against blood components. The name comes from experiments with rhesus monkeys, through which the rhesus factor was discovered in 1937 by Karl Landsteiner. Due to the already existing A … Rhesus system | Blood groups

Duffy system | Blood groups

Duffy system The Duffy factor of the blood groups is an antigen and at the same time a receptor for Plasmodium vivax. This is the causative agent of malaria disease. Persons who do not develop Duffy factor are therefore resistant to malaria. Otherwise the Duffy system has no further important meaning. Summary The determination of … Duffy system | Blood groups

Blood sugar

Synonyms English: blood sugar Blood sugar level Blood sugar value Blood Glucose Plasma glucose Definition The term blood sugar refers to the concentration of the sugar glucose in the blood plasma. This value is given in the units mmol/l or mg/dl. Glucose plays one of the most important roles in the human energy supply, both … Blood sugar

Blood diseases/ haematology

Haematology is a branch of internal medicine, which deals in particular with the teaching of the healthy functioning of the blood system and, in turn, of diseases in the blood. Haematology is one of the more complex areas of internal medicine, since knowledge about the malfunctioning of the blood system is in the early stages … Blood diseases/ haematology

Cause of blood in urine

Synonyms Haematuria, erythruria, erythrocyturia English: hematuria Introduction Blood in the urine, also known as haematuria, is a relatively common symptom that can stand for a variety of diseases. In most cases, these diseases mainly affect the kidneys, the urinary tract or the prostate in men. Common and harmless causes are, for example, menstrual blood in … Cause of blood in urine

Blood in urine

Synonyms Haematuria, erythruria, erythrocyturia English: hematuria Introduction Blood in the urine, called haematuria (haem = blood, ouron = urine), refers to the pathologically increased occurrence of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the urine. The blood in urine is caused by a source of bleeding in the body, which can originate from various tissues. Epidemiology/frequency distribution … Blood in urine