Pesto From Your Own Medicinal Plant Garden

Drugs of conventional medicine often consist of an artificially produced active ingredient. Medicinal herbs, on the other hand, are characterized by a balanced composition of many natural active ingredients. In the medicinal herb garden, they grow without the addition of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. They should always be consumed fresh. Since this is hardly possible … Pesto From Your Own Medicinal Plant Garden

Peripheral Arterial Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In the context of diseases of the cardiovascular system, very different clinical pictures occur, which affect not only the heart, but likewise the blood-carrying vessels and the involved organs. This also includes peripheral arterial occlusive disease, or pAVK for short. What is peripheral arterial disease? Hardening of the arteries can quickly lead to a heart … Peripheral Arterial Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Banana: Intolerance & Allergy

Bananas are among the favorite types of fruit among Germans. Per capita, about 16 kilograms of them are consumed annually. No wonder, because the bananas taste heavenly sweet and contain important nutrients that are very beneficial to health. This is what you should know about the banana Bananas are one of the world’s oldest cultivated … Banana: Intolerance & Allergy

Mat Bean: Intolerance & Allergy

The mat bean, like all types of beans, belongs to the papilionaceous family and thus counts as a legume. The undemanding plant originates from the Indian subcontinent and thrives particularly well in dry-warm regions. Like the closely related Urd bean, the protein-rich mat bean is used in numerous traditional Indian dishes. Here’s what you should … Mat Bean: Intolerance & Allergy

Phenethylamine: Function & Diseases

Phenethylamine (PEA) is the parent substance of catecholamines such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, or dopamine. It is often held responsible for triggering feelings of happiness. It occurs both widely in the plant kingdom and as a hormone in the human body. What is phenethylamine? Phenethylamine is considered the parent substance for catecholamines, which are widely used … Phenethylamine: Function & Diseases

Capers: Intolerance & Allergy

Capers come from the true caper shrub in the Mediterranean region. They are also used in our country as a spicy food ingredient. In health care, they also play a role. Here’s what you should know about capers Because of the high content of antioxidants, capers are considered to be a remedy for heart disease … Capers: Intolerance & Allergy

Vinegar: Intolerance & Allergy

A salad without vinegar is almost unthinkable for many people. Vinegar is an uncomplicated food, which, in addition to its use in the household, is primarily used for seasoning and in some variations is even considered a special delicacy. Moreover, if some points are taken into account when choosing vinegar, it can have positive effects … Vinegar: Intolerance & Allergy

Who had to measure? | Test strips for blood sugar

Who had to measure? By far the largest group of people who have to or should regularly measure their blood sugar are diabetics. Patients who inject insulin must control their blood sugar very closely to prevent over- or underdosing of insulin. Blood glucose monitoring is also useful for type 2 diabetics who are only treated … Who had to measure? | Test strips for blood sugar