Diet Tips for Small Intestine Output

If the artificial outlet is in the area of the small intestine or at the beginning of the large intestine, the intestine needs a while after the operation until it has adapted to the changed digestion. In the first time, the stool may still be thin, later it should become thick. However, because the colon … Diet Tips for Small Intestine Output

Anal Carcinoma

Definition An anal carcinoma is a cancer of the intestinal outlet. It is a malignant tumour which can be treated well in most cases. Untreated, however, it can lead to incontinence (loss of control over bowel movements) and even death. The disease is rare and benign tumours of the anus are much more common. Symptoms … Anal Carcinoma

Operation | Anal Carcinoma

Operation In the case of limited anal carcinomas that have not grown deeply into the tissue, surgical removal is the therapy of choice. The cancer is cut out at a safe distance and there is usually no need for an artificial bowel outlet. The situation is different with larger tumours or those that have grown … Operation | Anal Carcinoma