
Introduction Clont® is the trade name for the antibiotic metronidazole. Mode of action Like any antibiotic, it damages certain bacteria. The effect of Clont® depends on the absence of oxygen: it can only have a damaging effect on the DNA of cells if there is no oxygen in the environment. Therefore, it only works on … Clont®

Maxillary Sinus: Structure, Function & Diseases

The maxillary sinus is part of the paranasal sinus system. The scientific name sinus maxillaris is derived from Latin. Medical terminology also uses the synonym maxillary sinus. The maxillary sinus features paired pneumatization spaces (cavities) in the maxillary bone (maxilla) that are equipped with respiratory ciliated epithelium. What is the maxillary sinus? The maxillary sinus … Maxillary Sinus: Structure, Function & Diseases

Brain abscess

Definition A brain abscess is an encapsulated inflammation in the brain. The capsule consists of newly formed tissue (granulation tissue), which is naturally formed during the defence against pathogens and the healing process. In the capsule, the existing cells are destroyed and pus is formed. Due to the inflammatory process, fluid is stored in the … Brain abscess

Cyanosis (Blue Discoloration of the Skin and Mucous Membranes): Causes, Treatment & Help

Cyanosis, the bluish discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, lips and fingernails, can be a sign of serious disease of the heart or lungs. Therefore, when blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes occurs, it is essential to consult a doctor who will find out the cause and initiate treatment of the cyanosis as … Cyanosis (Blue Discoloration of the Skin and Mucous Membranes): Causes, Treatment & Help

Lip abscess

Definition An abscess is an isolated cavity in which pus has accumulated. It is usually the result or part of a bacterial inflammation. Abscesses can develop anywhere in the body, but are most commonly found under the skin. Abscesses can also occur in the mouth and on the lips. The typical inflammatory characteristics of an … Lip abscess

Abscess on the head

Definition An abscess on the head is defined as an encapsulated collection of pus. Due to various causes, a so-called abscess cavity develops, which is separated from the surrounding tissue, for example muscle, by a kind of capsule. Within this capsule is pus, which consists of bacteria and dead cells, as well as white blood … Abscess on the head