Burnout: Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

Brief overview Symptoms: Deep exhaustion, no possibility to “switch off”, psychosomatic complaints, feeling of lack of recognition, “duty by the book”, aloofness, cynicism, loss of performance, depression if necessary. Treatment: Various methods, psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, body therapy, learning of relaxation techniques, if necessary medication against depression Course of the disease and prognosis: Good chances of … Burnout: Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

Anti-Stress Cubes – What is that exactly? | Reduce stress – help through physiotherapy

Anti-Stress Cubes – What is that exactly? There are so-called anti-stress cubes. These are cubes that are so small that they can be held very well between thumb and index finger and are hardly noticeable. On the surfaces of the cube there are different unevennesses, e.g. a small switch, a small half marble or elevations … Anti-Stress Cubes – What is that exactly? | Reduce stress – help through physiotherapy


Symptoms Burnout is a state of vital, psychological, cognitive and physical exhaustion. The syndrome manifests itself in: Exhaustion (leading symptom). Alienation from work, Reduced commitment, Cynical attitude, Dissatisfaction, Inefficiency. Emotional problems: Depression, irritability, aggression. Low motivation Psychosomatic complaints: Fatigue, headaches, digestive problems, sleep disturbances, nausea. Despair, helplessness, declining performance. Flat emotional life, social restriction, despair. … Burnout

Ayurveda: Treatment, Effects & Risks

As the oldest known health teaching in the world, Ayurveda can look back on a long tradition. Developed during the time of Vedic culture in ancient India, it exerted significant influence on Egyptian medicine as well as Chinese medicine, among others. Its individual approach to the body and mind of each patient makes it a … Ayurveda: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Pregnenolone: Function & Diseases

Pregnenolone, the precursor of various steroid hormones, was used to successfully treat rheumatic diseases as early as 1940. It is one of the hormones that effectively increase brain power and is considered the anti-aging agent par excellence. Since the 1980-ies, it has been more and more replaced by cortisone, which, unlike pregnenolone, has many harmful … Pregnenolone: Function & Diseases

Psychosomatics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Psychosomatics is a special branch of human medicine. The school is based on a way of looking at things, according to which mental characteristics can also indirectly or directly influence physical health. There is thus an inseparable connection between psyche (mind) and body. The therapy of psychosomatic diseases requires a holistic treatment concept consisting of … Psychosomatics: Treatment, Effects & Risks