
Products In many countries, there are no drugs with fenetylline on the market. Fenetylline is one of the narcotics and requires an aggravated prescription. Captagon tablets were previously available in some European countries. Structure and properties Fenetylline (C18H23N5O2, Mr = 341.4 g/mol) is a derivative of amphetamine and theophylline. The two molecules are covalently linked … Fenetyllin

The drug therapy of ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome, Fidgety Phil Syndrome Fidgety Phil, Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS), Hyperactivity Syndrome, Hyperkinetic Syndrome (HKS), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, Attention – Deficit – Hyperactivity – Disorder (ADHD), minimal brain syndrome, Behavioral Disorder with Attention and Concentration Disorder, Fidgety Phil, ADD, Attention Deficit Syndrome, ADD. The Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome comprises a distinctly inattentive, … The drug therapy of ADHD