Sensitivity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

By sensitivity, medicine understands the perceptive ability of humans. This includes feeling and sensitivity. What is sensitivity? By sensitivity, medicine understands the perceptive ability of human beings. This includes feeling and sensitivity. Medical professionals refer to sensitivity as the ability to perceive various sensations. This ability primarily includes feeling. In addition, the term sensitivity is … Sensitivity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Metathalamus: Structure, Function & Diseases

The metathalamus is a component of the diencephalon and participates in visual and auditory information processing]. Lesions in this area of the brain can accordingly cause visual and auditory disorders due to, for example, strokes, [[circulatory disorders]], increased intracranial pressure, neurodegenerative diseases, tumors, and traumatic brain injury. What is the metathalamus? The metathalamus is an … Metathalamus: Structure, Function & Diseases

Grasping: Function, Task & Diseases

Grasping is an automated movement pattern that is planned in the motor cortex of the brain. From there, the movement plan for reaching is transmitted to the voluntary muscles via the brain‘s pyramidal pathways. Impaired reaching movement may indicate neurodegenerative diseases. What is reaching? Grasping is an automated movement pattern that is planned in the … Grasping: Function, Task & Diseases

Language Center: Structure, Function & Diseases

The language center consists primarily of the Wernicke and Broca areas in the cortical region of the cerebrum and frontal lobe. While the Wernicke area is responsible for semantic language processing, Broca’s area is primarily responsible for syntactic and grammatical language production. Inflammation– or hemorrhage-related damage in one of the areas manifests in speech comprehension … Language Center: Structure, Function & Diseases

Vestibulospinal Reflex: Function, Role & Diseases

The vestibulospinal reflex is a brainstem reflex whose circuitry involves the vestibular organ and nuclei vestibulares. Activation of the reflex causes contraction of the extensor muscles while inhibiting the flexor muscles of the extremities. In decerebration rigidity, the reflex becomes prominent. What is the vestibulospinal reflex? A brainstem reflex is known as the vestibulospinal reflex, … Vestibulospinal Reflex: Function, Role & Diseases