Tasks of the cerebral cortex | Tasks of the cerebrum

Tasks of the cerebral cortex The cerebral cortex, also known as the cortex cerebri, is visible from the outside and envelops the brain. It is also known as the grey matter, because in a fixed state it appears greyish in relation to the cerebral medulla. The cerebral cortex contains the nerve cores of the nerve … Tasks of the cerebral cortex | Tasks of the cerebrum

Tasks of the cerebral medulla | Tasks of the cerebrum

Tasks of the cerebral medulla The cerebral medulla is also known as the white matter. It consists of a network of supply and support cells between which the nerve processes, the axons, run in bundles. These bundles are combined into pathways. There are no cell bodies in the white matter. Their task is therefore to … Tasks of the cerebral medulla | Tasks of the cerebrum

Cooperation of the cerebrum with the cerebellum | Tasks of the cerebrum

Cooperation of the cerebrum with the cerebellum The cerebellum lies at the back of the skull, below the cerebrum. Also known as the cerebellum, it serves as a control centre for the coordination, learning and fine-tuning of movement sequences. It receives information from the organ of equilibrium in the ear, the spinal cord, the eyes, … Cooperation of the cerebrum with the cerebellum | Tasks of the cerebrum