Premature Placental Abruption: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Premature placental abruption (abruptio placentae) is a very serious complication during pregnancy that acutely endangers the life and health of the unborn child as well as the mother. What is premature placental abruption? As a rule, when a premature placental abruption is recognized, a cesarean section is induced as soon as possible, provided that the … Premature Placental Abruption: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Stillbirths are unfortunately not a rarity. Again and again, medical professionals have to explain to expectant parents not to hear a heartbeat of the child. A situation that is incredibly difficult to process and cope with. How is stillbirth defined? If it is determined after the 22nd week of pregnancy that the child no longer … Stillbirth

The Second Pregnancy

The second pregnancy proceeds in some things differently than the first. Knowing by now “how the rabbit runs”, most mothers take renewed offspring much more calmly. How long to wait until the second pregnancy? It is not uncommon for many couples who have had their first child to want another one soon after. This way, … The Second Pregnancy

When You Cant Go On: Birth Arrest

In a birth arrest, there is no further opening of the cervix or entry of the child into the mother’s pelvis. Often, changes in position, relaxation exercises or a walk are sufficient to end the arrest. If this is not sufficient, an oxytocic agent is attached or a cesarean section is performed. What to do … When You Cant Go On: Birth Arrest

Pelvic Endlage

Pelvic end presentation is a position of the unborn child in the womb that deviates from the norm beyond the 34th week of pregnancy. In this position, the baby lies head up instead of down as in the normal cranial position. The rump or legs are at the bottom of the uterus. About 5 percent … Pelvic Endlage

Birth Variants and Complications

Pregnancy means for women a complete change of their body over several months. The fetus matures in her uterus, the breasts begin to produce milk, and the woman must not only provide for herself with a healthy lifestyle, but also for the child in her ever-thickening belly. This symbiosis between mother and baby is broken … Birth Variants and Complications