Chest Pain: Causes

Brief overview Causes: Heartburn (reflux disease), tension, muscle ache, vertebral blockage, rib contusion, rib fracture, shingles, angina pectoris, heart attack, pericarditis, high blood pressure, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, lung cancer, esophageal rupture, psychological causes like anxiety or stress When to see a doctor? In case of newly occurring or changing pain, shortness of breath, feeling of … Chest Pain: Causes

Chest Pain (Mammary Gland): Description, Causes

Brief overview Causes: A distinction is made between cycle-dependent and cycle-independent causes (premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, menopause, cysts, inflammation of the mammary glands, etc.). Symptoms: Unilateral or bilateral pain in the breast, feelings of tension and swelling, painful nipples When to see a doctor? E.g. when breast pain occurs for the first time, when the symptoms … Chest Pain (Mammary Gland): Description, Causes

Pericarditis (inflammation of the heart sac)

Brief overview Description: In pericarditis the outer connective tissue layer of the heart is inflamed. A distinction is made between acute, chronic and constructive pericarditis (armored heart) and perimyocarditis. Symptoms: Symptoms of pericarditis include fever, cough, an altered heartbeat, water retention (edema), and visibly congested neck veins. Treatment: Treatment depends on the cause of the … Pericarditis (inflammation of the heart sac)

Exercises for chest pain

When chest pain occurs, there are a number of exercises that can be performed to provide relief to the affected person. However, it is important to first find out what is causing the pain. The exercises are particularly suitable if the pain is the result of muscular tension in the chest area or between the … Exercises for chest pain

Summary | Exercises for chest pain

Summary Overall, muscular problems and poor posture are the cause of muscle pain in most cases. Because of the restriction, the proximity to the heart and often breathing restrictions as an accompanying symptom, chest pain is perceived by many people as very threatening. For this reason, it is good to know that performing several targeted … Summary | Exercises for chest pain

Therapy | Exercises for a slipped disc in BWS

Therapy In the therapy after a herniated disc in BWS, a distinction is made between an acute and a rehabilitative phase. In the acute phase, the first thing to do is to relieve the pain and promote healing. For this purpose, gentle soft tissue techniques, heat applications (e.g. fango or red light), light mobilization and … Therapy | Exercises for a slipped disc in BWS

Vertebral blockage | Exercises for a slipped disc in BWS

Vertebral blockage A vertebral blockage in BWS occurs much more frequently than a herniated disc, but can cause very similar symptoms. For example, a jerky movement or a violent muscle pull (e.g. after coughing) can cause a small change in the joint mechanics of a vertebral joint. This can also lead to nerve irritation and … Vertebral blockage | Exercises for a slipped disc in BWS

Pinched Nerve: Causes, Treatment & Help

A so-called pinched nerve can take a variety of forms. Equally varied are the backgrounds from which a pinched nerve can result. What is a pinched nerve? Typically, the pain associated with a pinched nerve is sharp or burning; in addition, such pain may be accompanied by numbness or profuse sweating. A pinched nerve manifests … Pinched Nerve: Causes, Treatment & Help