Well-child visit at five years: timing, procedures, significance

What is the U5 examination? The U5 examination is a preventive examination that takes place at around six months of age. The pediatrician uses various tests to examine the baby’s mental development, mobility, hearing and vision. He also advises parents on topics such as nutrition and child safety. What is done at the U5? As … Well-child visit at five years: timing, procedures, significance

Baby food: What your child needs

Newborn Breast milk is the best food for your newborn baby. If breastfeeding is not possible, babies are given special infant formula as an alternative. Breast milk Infant formula If the mother cannot breastfeed, babies are given a special infant formula. For babies with an increased risk of allergies, manufacturers offer hypoallergenic infant formula. In … Baby food: What your child needs

KITA or childminder?

Introduction Nowadays, more and more families have both parents working, which means that they need a childcare place for their small children if the family, for example the grandparents, cannot fill in. Most children attend a KITA, but in some regions of Germany, KITA places are very scarce, so that more and more parents are … KITA or childminder?

Disadvantages | KITA or childminder?

Disadvantages The youth welfare offices compute the parents’ contribution with a daily nut/mother after the fee rates of the municipalities, this calculated amount depends on the Land. The fee schedule is also subject to the parents’ income and the number of hours of care. The Youth Welfare Offices are the contact persons when applying for … Disadvantages | KITA or childminder?

Snoring during pregnancy

Introduction – Snoring during pregnancy Snoring during pregnancy is a phenomenon that affects almost every tenth woman by the end of pregnancy. Particularly predestined are women who already have an increased risk of snoring. In particular, these are people with special features of the jaw anatomy, back sleepers and particularly overweight people. As with almost … Snoring during pregnancy

Symptoms accompanying snoring during pregnancy | Snoring during pregnancy

Symptoms accompanying snoring during pregnancy Snoring is in principle only a symptom that indicates that the airways of the person concerned are narrowed or blocked for some reason. However, snoring is often accompanied by a psychological fear that snoring could be dangerous for the child or that one could become unattractive for the partner if … Symptoms accompanying snoring during pregnancy | Snoring during pregnancy

Child development

Childhood development represents a decisive stage in the life of a human being. It begins with birth and continues until puberty. During this period, not only external but also internal characteristics change, including, among many other things, the increasing neurological development and interconnection of brain structures. Child development can be divided into motor, sensory, linguistic, … Child development

Prophylaxis of child development disorders | Child development

Prophylaxis of child development disorders Early childhood developmental disorders can be recognized and promoted in good time if parents, pediatricians and educators cooperate closely. In general, it is true that abilities are preferably developed under the presentation of certain stimuli and a healthy parent-child relationship. In certain time windows, children are particularly susceptible to learning … Prophylaxis of child development disorders | Child development