Circulatory Problems: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms

Brief overview Treatment: lying down and elevating legs, fluid intake, cold stimuli (put cold washcloth on neck, cold compresses), medications, home remedies, treatment of underlying condition Causes: Most often, low blood pressure is the cause of circulatory problems. Only rarely are the symptoms signs of a more serious disease. Symptoms: Dizziness, rapid heartbeat, blackness in … Circulatory Problems: Treatment, Causes, Symptoms

Sauna in Pregnancy

Many pregnant women always ask themselves the question of whether they can go to the sauna without hesitation. Even if it is basically healthy, a few things should still be considered in advance when taking a sauna during pregnancy. It should be noted that sauna use cannot automatically be recommended for every pregnant woman; there … Sauna in Pregnancy

Premature Placental Abruption: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Premature placental abruption (abruptio placentae) is a very serious complication during pregnancy that acutely endangers the life and health of the unborn child as well as the mother. What is premature placental abruption? As a rule, when a premature placental abruption is recognized, a cesarean section is induced as soon as possible, provided that the … Premature Placental Abruption: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Metatarsalgia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Metatarsalgia refers to pain in the midfoot. Most often, they occur due to stress such as running. What is metatarsalgia? We talk about metatarsalgia when pain occurs in the midfoot. The discomfort is felt below the heads of the metatarsal bones (ossa metatarsalia), usually during weight-bearing activities. The term metatarsalgia is composed of the Greek … Metatarsalgia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Metencephalon: Structure, Function & Diseases

The metencephalon or hindbrain is part of the rhombencephalon and is composed of the cerebellum and bridge (pons). Numerous centers and nuclei contribute to motor function, coordination, and learning processes. Pathologic relevance to the metencephalon is possessed primarily by malformations and lesions that can lead to deficits in functional areas. What is the metencephalon? The … Metencephalon: Structure, Function & Diseases


Stillbirths are unfortunately not a rarity. Again and again, medical professionals have to explain to expectant parents not to hear a heartbeat of the child. A situation that is incredibly difficult to process and cope with. How is stillbirth defined? If it is determined after the 22nd week of pregnancy that the child no longer … Stillbirth

Glands: Structure, Function & Diseases

The glands are located under the skin or directly in the organism and are responsible for producing and excreting hormones, sweat and other substances. They regulate a wide variety of processes and are essential for health. What are glands? Glands are small openings distributed throughout the human body. They produce hormones, sweat or secretions, which … Glands: Structure, Function & Diseases