Psychotherapeutic therapy of ADHS

Attention deficit syndrome, fidgety Phil syndrome, psychoorganic syndrome (POS), hyperkinetic syndrome (HKS), ADHD, Fidgety Phil, ADHD. Attention Deficit Syndrome, Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS), ADD, Attention – Deficit – Disorder, minimal brain syndrome, Behavioral Disorder with Attention and Concentration Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, Dreamers, “Hans-guck-in-the-Air”, Dreamers. Definition and description People who suffer from … Psychotherapeutic therapy of ADHS

Behavioural Therapy | Psychotherapeutic therapy of ADHS

Behavioural Therapy In contrast to depth psychology, which also gives a large role to the soul life of humans, on the behavioural therapy level one rather proceeds from the outwardly visible behaviours. ADHD – typical symptoms and ADHD – typical behaviour patterns are therefore analysed and attempts are made to change them through various procedures. … Behavioural Therapy | Psychotherapeutic therapy of ADHS

Other forms of therapy | Psychotherapeutic therapy of ADHS

Other forms of therapy The above-mentioned therapeutic options complement each other in many ways. Which forms can be combined with each other in individual cases can be decided by the attending physician or therapist together with you. It is important that the individual symptoms are taken as a starting point and that a decision is … Other forms of therapy | Psychotherapeutic therapy of ADHS

Behavioral Therapy for Learning Problems, ADD, ADHD

Behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, operant conditioning, operant conditioning, problem solving training, self-management, social competence, attention deficit syndrome, psychoorganic syndrome (POS), ADD, Attention – Deficit – Disorder, behavioral disorder with attention and concentration disorder, ADD, attention deficit disorder, Träumerle, ADHD Fidgety Phil, ADHD. Fidgety Phil syndrome, Hyperkinetic syndrome (HKS). Definition and description After … Behavioral Therapy for Learning Problems, ADD, ADHD

Problem solving training | Behavioral Therapy for Learning Problems, ADD, ADHD

Problem solving training As the name suggests, problem-solving training aims to solve everyday (and recurring) problems in a targeted manner. There are different structures of problem solving training, so-called problem solving models, which are intended to promote the ability to recognize problems as such and to solve them by (alternative) actions. In relation to the … Problem solving training | Behavioral Therapy for Learning Problems, ADD, ADHD

Other forms of therapy | Behavioral Therapy for Learning Problems, ADD, ADHD

Other forms of therapy You can find more help from the parents here: ADS and family, or ADHS and family. The mentioned therapy options complement each other in many ways. Which forms can be combined with each other in individual cases can be decided by the treating doctor or therapist together with you. It is … Other forms of therapy | Behavioral Therapy for Learning Problems, ADD, ADHD