Therapeutic applications and treatment methods

The following therapy applications/treatment methods are used, for example, after operations and for rehabilitative purposes. Muscles, joints and nerves are stimulated, thus improving mobility and strength. Some movement patterns are disturbed due to diseases of the central nervous system, while others are caused by a lack of motor skills and coordination. The following is a … Therapeutic applications and treatment methods

Age Spots: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Age spots, lentigo senilis or lentigo solaris often appear in the later stages of a person’s life. As a rule, they are not dangerous but are merely benign skin changes. Mostly they are brownish and of different size. Age spots are most frequently found on the hand, face and chest. Nevertheless, it is advisable to … Age Spots: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Phy. Wrist

In the case of injuries to the wrist – such as a fracture caused by trauma, a sprain, degenerative changes or a nerve lesion such as in carpal tunnel syndrome – it is particularly important to maintain and restore the functionality of the wrist as best as possible through targeted physiotherapy. Our wrist is a … Phy. Wrist

Physiotherapy wrist fracture | Phy. Wrist

Physiotherapy wrist fracture In case of a wrist fracture, it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions. Depending on how the fracture has been treated (conservatively or surgically), therapy is already possible after a few weeks. However, certain strains may well be prohibited for longer. In most cases, early functional mobilization is possible after about … Physiotherapy wrist fracture | Phy. Wrist

Physiotherapy costs

Introduction Physiotherapeutic measures are particularly important and effective for human diseases. Unfortunately, there are certain guidelines and limitations for the prescription of a physiotherapy concept. The costs and guidelines are discussed below. Important for the prescription of a physical therapy concept is the catalog of remedies. This provides information about the diagnoses and the amount … Physiotherapy costs

Physiotherapy | Physiotherapy costs

Physiotherapy Physiotherapeutic treatment also on a neurophysiological basis as individual treatment; RW: 15-25 minutes: 16,29€/1,63€ 15,51€ Physiotherapy in a group with 2-5 patients; RW: 20-30 minutes: 4,51€/0,45€ 4,93€ Physiotherapy in the movement bath individual treatment; RW: 20-30 minutes: 17,75€/1,78€ 16,45€ Physiotherapy in the movement bath group treatment 2-3 personsRW: 20-30 minutes: 13,02€/1,30€ 11,83€ Physiotherapy in … Physiotherapy | Physiotherapy costs

Traction treatment | Physiotherapy costs

Traction treatment Traction treatment with device as single treatment; RW: 10-20 minutes: 4,83€/0,48€ 4,38€ Electrotherapy Electrotherapy/treatment of single or multiple body parts; RW: 10-20 minutes: 4,69€/0,47€ 4,44€ Inhalation therapy Inhalation therapy as single treatment; RW:5-30 minutes: 5,12€/0,51€ 4,71€ Heat Therapy Heat application by means of radiant heaters to one or more body parts; RW: 10-20 … Traction treatment | Physiotherapy costs

Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Definition – What is a cavernous hemangioma? A hemangioma consists of incorrectly formed blood vessels. They are usually also called haemangiomas. They are benign growths that displace the surrounding tissue, but are normally harmless. They can be found on various tissues, such as the eye socket, skin or liver. The cavernous hemangioma is a special … Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

I recognize a cavernous hemangioma by these symptoms | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

I recognize a cavernous hemangioma by these symptoms It is relatively rare that a cavernous hemangioma does not regress by the age of five. However, it can happen that a very slowly growing hemangioma does not cause symptoms until a higher age. In hemangiomas of the skin you may notice a soft bluish-purple discolored bump … I recognize a cavernous hemangioma by these symptoms | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Course of disease in cavernous hemangioma | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?

Course of disease in cavernous hemangioma The disease usually occurs during birth or a few days after birth. Either the cavernous hemangioma disappears after months or years, it remains the same size and does not cause any problems, or it grows and needs treatment. No new hemangiomas develop in the course of life, but they … Course of disease in cavernous hemangioma | Cavernous hemangioma – How dangerous is it?