Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms

What most people prefer not to think about at all is a central factor in the lives of ulcerative colitis patients: bowel activity. This is restricted by a chronic inflammatory process, which leads to numerous unpleasant, sometimes dangerous symptoms. Like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis is classified as a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Colitis is a … Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms

Colitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Significant functions of the human organism are attributed to the large intestine with digestion and immune defense. Therefore, it is all the more problematic when inflammation develops in the colon. This is because inflammation of the colon is characterized by severe symptoms in acute phases, which can result in life-threatening complications if not treated. What … Colitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Leeches and Maggots for Medical Treatment

Maggots, worms and leeches are not exactly the pets to keep. But they are becoming increasingly popular in medicine. As a natural cleansing commando, they are said to clean wounds, clean up the intestines and activate the immune system. Lots of yuck, few side effects Treatment practices of our ancestors and effective therapy methods in … Leeches and Maggots for Medical Treatment

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis

Introduction The symptoms of ulcerative colitis are initially unspecific. The main symptom is bloody-mucilaginous diarrhoea (diarrhoea), which torments the patient even at night. Diarrhoea can be very severe, up to 30 times a day, or almost non-existent if, for example, only the anus is affected (proctitis). It is not uncommon for symptoms of fecal incontinence … Symptoms of ulcerative colitis

Possible concomitant diseases | Symptoms of ulcerative colitis

Possible concomitant diseases A whole range of diseases carries the risk of occurring together with ulcerative colitis (associated). These include : This topic might also be of interest to you: Causes of ulcerative colitis Joints and spine: Ankolosing spondylitis /Morbus Bechterew /Rheumatoid arthritis /Chronic polyarthritis/Sacroiliitis Liver and bile ducts: primary sclerosing cholangitis, fatty degeneration of … Possible concomitant diseases | Symptoms of ulcerative colitis

Symptoms during thrust | Symptoms of ulcerative colitis

Symptoms during thrust Ulcerative colitis is one of the relapsing diseases. This means that symptoms are not permanent, but always occur “in relapses”. There are phases in which the patient is completely free of symptoms, but relapses do occur again and again. A distinction is made between mild, moderate and severe relapses in ulcerative colitis. … Symptoms during thrust | Symptoms of ulcerative colitis

How is ulcerative colitis treated? | Ulcerative colitis

How is ulcerative colitis treated? As a rule, ulcerative colitis is treated with medication. As described above, a distinction is made between two types of medication. Those that are given permanently to reduce the activity of the disease (maintenance therapy) and those that are given when a relapse occurs in order to alleviate the symptoms … How is ulcerative colitis treated? | Ulcerative colitis

Chances of cure for ulcerative colitis | Ulcerative colitis

Chances of cure for ulcerative colitis The drugs used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis can only treat the symptoms of the disease and reduce the frequency and severity of acute attacks, but they cannot cure the disease. This disease can only be cured by a complete removal of the colon. However, this step should … Chances of cure for ulcerative colitis | Ulcerative colitis

Smoking in ulcerative colitis | Ulcerative colitis

Smoking in ulcerative colitis A much discussed issue in ulcerative colitis is smoking. In conclusion, it is not yet possible to say anything about the effect of smoking on Ulcerative colitis. While it is now known with certainty that smoking is a serious risk factor for the development of Crohn’s disease, another similar chronic inflammatory … Smoking in ulcerative colitis | Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis

Synonyms in a broader sense Ulcerative colitis, colitis, chronic inflammatory bowel disease (CED), ulcerative enterocolitis, ileocolitis, proctitis, rectosigmoiditis, proctocolitis, pancolitis, backwash ileitis. Definition Ulcerative colitis Like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis belongs to the group of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (CED). Ulcerative colitis is characterised by isolated inflammation of the colon and rectal mucosa. Ulcerative colitis … Ulcerative colitis