Patch: Effect, Uses & Risks

The plaster is a real jack of all trades. It has long been impossible to imagine everyday medical life without it; whether it is to care for wounds and keep them protected, to get certain active ingredients into the body or to be able to treat muscle tension specifically with heat. What is a band-aid? … Patch: Effect, Uses & Risks

Dariers Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Darier’s disease is an autosomal-dominant inherited skin disorder characterized by impaired keratinization of the epidermis, fingernails, and hair follicles. This keratinization disorder is also known as keratoderma and is very rare in congenital syndromes. Darier’s disease is named after the French dermatologist Ferdinand-Jean Darier, who first described the condition in 1899. What is Darier’s disease? … Dariers Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Synonyms Laser in situ keratomileusis “in situ” = in situ, at the normal location; “kerato” = cornea, cornea; “mileusis” = shaping, modeling Definition Lasik is a surgical procedure that corrects visual defects of the eyes with laser. Both short-sightedness (myopia) and long-sightedness (hyperopia) as well as as astigmatism can be operated on with the help … Lasik

Prognosis | Lasik

Prognosis In order to interpret a successful result, the following information is given on Lasik results that differ from the desired value by either half a diopter or a whole diopter. In the correction of short-sightedness (myopia), Lasik has a success rate of approximately 84% with a deviation of 0.5 dopters from the desired visual … Prognosis | Lasik

The dermis of the human being

Definition – What is the dermis? The dermis is one of the largest human organs, the skin, and is therefore vital. As in every mammal, the skin consists of different layers – one of which is the dermis. It is precisely this layer of skin that is tanned in the leather production process that gives … The dermis of the human being